My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 384 Blessed Are You Taixu Palace!

There was silence on the wine table.

"Brother Baikong, I'm sorry, I seem to hear Brother Baikong talking about the marriage of Holy Maiden in the clan. Can I have the honor of Taixu Palace to become relatives with the gluttonous clan?"

Suddenly, not far away, the prospective king of Taixu Palace came over with a glass of wine and looked at Tao Baikong.

"Yan Qi, isn't your holy son of Taixu Palace dead? Is it possible that the girl of the family and the ghost are married?"

Glancing at the quasi-king who is Taixu Palace, Ao Jue said abruptly.


Hearing these words, Ao Xiaoxiao, who was eating at the table next to him, suddenly laughed.

In addition to Ao Xiaoxiao, everyone else laughed too. What is the quasi-king of Taixu Palace thinking? His son is dead, and thinking about this kind of thing, his brain is not normal.

Hearing their laughter from Ao Xiaoxiao, the prospective king of your Taixu Palace's face became stiff, and his hand holding the wine glass shook.

"Actually, after the fall of the previous saint son, my Taixu Palace has already decided on the candidate for the next saint son, and the saint son succession ceremony will be held soon."

The quasi-king of Taixu Palace named Yan Qi explained.

"It turns out that the New Saint Child is coming out, so you have to be optimistic, don't let him go, be careful where he is dying in the corner."

Nodding, Ao Jue said concerned.

"Brother Ao Jue, what does this mean? The last saint son died in the Dao Zang battle, and was attacked by someone, otherwise, he would definitely not die in battle."

Yan Qi said solemnly, as if he had seen the death of his son in battle.

"That's also dead, what is the name of your newly promoted Saint Son of Taixu Palace?"

Waved her hand, Tao Baikong looked like she was not interested in dead people, and then asked.

"Oh, my newly promoted saint son of Taixu Palace is named Mo Wuqing. He is the younger brother of the previous saint son Mo Wudao. Although he does not have a divine body, his talent is still comparable to that of the divine body. He is now a quasi-king. It won’t take long before you can be promoted to the Daoyuan Realm."

Yan Qi said carefully.

Listening to his tone, it seemed that he admired the newly promoted saint son, but he didn't care about it. Of course he would admire his own saint son.

"Mo Ruqing? They all took this name, and you guys still come to tell him about his dear. There is something wrong with him. He is called Ruqing. He must be a man who is obsessed with the Tao and dismisses matters of love and love. You are blessed to have this son in Taixu Palace."

Tao Baikong gave a thumbs up and praised it ‘severely’.

Hearing that, Yan Qi's face twitched. His Son of Taixu Palace just took such a name. Is it necessary to analyze it so finely?

Who said that a person whose name is ruthless is really ruthless?

"Hahaha, I think so too, blessed you are too Xu Gong."

With a haha ​​smile, Feng Yuan echoed.

He heard it out, Tao Baikong didn't believe it at all, so that's why he said that.

"Brother Baikong, my Taixu Palace is very willing to become in-laws with the gluttonous clan, and make good friends for generations. This is not only what I mean, but also the meaning of Taixu Palace. Please think about it."

Yan Qi said to him again.

"Is he worthy?"

Tao Baikong glanced at him and said lightly.

It's just a quasi-king, even if he has the status of the son of Taixu Palace, there are more outstanding young people than him, and the quasi-king can also get it?

The Holy Maiden of his gluttonous clan, that is the true king of real goods, and will surely be able to reach the top of the peak powerhouse in the future.

In contrast, the saint son of his Taixu Palace is nothing, even less worthy.

"Brother Baikong, I know that the noble Holy Maiden is a man of extraordinary talent. He has achieved Dao Yuan level early, but my holy son is also not weak in talent. It will not take long before he will be promoted to Dao Yuan level to bridge the gap between them. Isn't it okay?"

Yan Qi hasn't given up on this idea.

"Make up the gap? Yan Qi, your brain is pretty funny, will anyone stay where you are waiting for you? When I arrive at the Realm I'm waiting for, who doesn't know, every bit of a gap is an insurmountable gap."

"Seriously, I don't think your newly promoted son is worthy. Go back, it's impossible."

After speaking, Ao Jue waved his hand and asked him to return to his seat.

"Brother Baikong, what do you mean?"

Yan Qi looked at Tao Baikong patiently.

"Even if I give you this opportunity, can your holy son be able to hold it? Can he beat my girl?"

Tao Baikong glanced at him sideways and asked.

"This... not for the time being. If my holy son is promoted to the Dao Source Realm, it may not be impossible."

Yan Qi said, but he didn't know where his self-confidence came from.

"Hahaha, stop teasing, Yan Qi, it's not like you don't want to play the game. When you have to figure out who you are, I'm the first one to not believe that your holy son can beat that girl. In the next life, right."

Ao Jue was the first to laugh when Yan Qi said that.

He thinks that Yan Qi speaks too carelessly. Although it is possible that the new true king may beat those seniors, the Holy Maiden of the gluttonous clan is not senior, but a powerful young generation.

They had been promoted to the Dao Yuan Realm a few years ago, and now they must have reached an extremely deep level, how can an ordinary newly promoted true king be able to defeat it.

He is not merciless and he is not the second Tai Shujing.

"Okay, Yan Qi, if your saint son really has this ability, let him come to worship the mountain after he is promoted. I will ask the girl in my family to meet him and see how many brushes he has."

"However, the girl in my family has a bad temper, and she doesn't have any seriousness to start. You can decide if you think about it."

I didn't want to fight Tai Chi with him anymore, Tao Baikong said so directly.

He didn't believe that his girl would not be able to beat a newcomer, and he would cry his father and his mother when he was beaten. The people of his gluttonous clan were very hospitable.

"Brother Baikong is enough. It won't take long for my holy son to come to worship the mountain."

After speaking, Yan Qi drank the wine in his hand and left.

"Tao Baikong, what did you promise him?"

After Yan Qi left, Ao Jue said aloud. He felt that this was completely unnecessary. Taixugong Toad wanted to eat swan meat and was simply dreaming.

"Yes, why bother with him, who knows what he is thinking about?"

Feng Yuan also felt that Tao Baikong had done something wrong.

"Hurt, don't you care about him, don't you still trust the girl in my family? It's impossible for him to be able to subdue the girl in my family with the saint son of Taixu Palace."

"He wants to dream, so let him do it, just to let the girl from my family behave and look for opportunities."

As he said, Tao Baikong glanced at the uncle at the next table quietly.

"Tao Baikong, I really served you, and I haven't given up yet."

Seeing that he was still thinking about Tai Shujing, Ao Jue was also a little speechless.

It has always been only young people who find dao companions for themselves. How can anyone desperately find dao companions for their girls like him?

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