
The prospective Wang Yanqi of Taixu Palace returned to their wine table.

"Brother Yan Qi, how are things going?"

After Yan Qi sat down, the two prospective kings of the Yin Temple and Nether Mountain spoke out.

"Live up to your expectations."

Nodded, Yan Qi's face was completely invisible at this moment, and it was cold. He just pretended to make a smile.

Being ridiculed by Ao Jue's trio, he was patient enough to endure it. In fact, he was not in a very good mood.

However, for their purposes, he still held back.

"That's good, let them be proud of it for a while, and then give them a big gift, I hope they will like it, hehe."

The prospective king of the Yin Temple smiled, showing a gloomy coldness.

"Brother Yan Qi, the time I am waiting for great things to come will come."

The prospective king of Nether Mountain also smiled, laughing very coldly. While speaking, a source of power emerged from his body, and then quickly fell silent.


Nodding, Yan Qi responded lukewarm.

Afterwards, all the people at this table fell silent. The three quasi kings and more than twenty disciples all remained silent, looking like a gathering of ghosts.

not far away.

"The fluctuation of this source of power is those guys, Xiaobai, do you feel it?"

Tai Shu Jing raised his eyes slightly and looked at Yan Qi and the others.

"Jing is the origin of Netherworld, it can't be wrong."

Not only Tai Shujing, Xiao Bai also keenly perceives the original power that flashes away. Although it is very weak, it is absolutely impossible to hide from the two peerless kings who understand the order of the Dao.

The appearance of this source of power reminded them of what happened in the Taoist temple.

At that time, among the group of Sage that they killed, except for the leading woman, the rest of them carried a trace of origin power, which was the origin of Netherworld.

Through that trace of the power of the source, the power of the blood sacrifice can be transmitted to another space and converge into a huge power.

After that, those quasi-kings and true kings sleeping in the Dao Zang were awakened and become killing machines because of these evil powers.

Now that the power of the same origin has appeared, it means that those people are here.

"It's him, the prospective king of Nether Mountain, it seems that he has encountered a fish, but I don't know, is Nether Mountain related to that power?"

Looking at the prospective king of Nether Mountain, Tai Shujing whispered.

That force is not only mysterious, but also very secretive in doing things. It is difficult for people to catch the horse's feet. Even Nine Cycles Sage is supervised and remembered, which shows how cautious it is.

Unexpectedly, he would meet someone related to that power in Pill City, and he would still be a quasi-king.

It's just not clear whether the quasi-king is a member of that organization, and whether he carries a Yama token that symbolizes his identity.

However, since they met Tai Shujing, they naturally wouldn't miss this fish.

"Jing, what do you want to do?"

Xiaobai asked aloud.

"First observe and observe, depending on the situation, decide whether to keep him or not. Maybe you can catch a big fish with a long line. If you can catch a true king, you may be able to get a glimpse of this mysterious force."

Tai Shujing tapped her fingers on the table lightly, and said.

"Catch him first, isn't it good to torture a confession? Maybe it doesn't take so much trouble to know what we want to know."

Xiaobai glanced at the prospective king of Nether Mountain, and a trace of murderous aura appeared in his eyes.

"Don't be so violent, he doesn't necessarily know so much. It's not good to be stunned. After all, they are too cautious and it is difficult to smoothly touch them. It is better to be safe."

With a slight smile, Tai Shujing stopped Xiao Bai.

He knew that Xiaobai didn't like to play with virtual things. He would do whatever he wanted, going straight back and forth. If she made a move, the person behind the Quasi-king of Nether Mountain would definitely notice it.

In this way, it will be difficult to catch their tail.

Moreover, what Xiaobai said to extract a confession by torture is really torture to extract a confession. Don't think Xiaobai is a girl, but she is unambiguous when she starts her hands. She would dare to show you cramps and skinning.

In order to prevent Xiaobai from doing too much, Tai Shujing must stop her. They are all civilized people and can't be rude.

"Jing, do you think I would overdo it?"

Raising his eyebrows, Xiao Bai stared at him and said.

She admits that she is so violent, but it is not for her own people, but for her enemies. There is not a saying that she is kind to the enemy, but it is cruel to her own.

In order not to be cruel to yourself, then you have to be cruel to the enemy.

"No, no, how could it be? I don't know how to do it. It's not suitable to use swordsman and make money today, that's it."

No, Tai Shujing quickly explained.

Unexpectedly, Xiaobai could gain insight into his thoughts so quickly, so he had a tacit understanding and a clear heart.

"Well, why don't I know that you are still fortune-telling, Jing, you can't be a Taoist priest?"

Liu's eyebrows were slightly upturned, and Xiao Bai's snow-colored eyes narrowed slightly, looking at him.

"Nonsense, how could I be a Taoist priest? Those are all used to deceive people in the countryside. However, if Xiaobai you are willing to follow me to be a Taoist husband and wife, it is not impossible."

Smiling and shook his head, Tai Shu Jing took her hand and said.

"Puff, this is almost the same, okay, you can do whatever you want, I'm up to you."

Yanran smiled, and the seriousness on Xiao Bai's face instantly disappeared.

"Then thank my considerate Xiaobai."

Seeing that Xiaobai no longer struggled with this question, the uncle said quietly.

Bai took a look at Tai Shu Jing, Xiao Bai knew that he would make her happy, but she would still eat this set, who made her depend on Tai Shu Jing for the rest of her life.

"White Big sis, Miss Miss, what are you whispering about?"

At this time, Ao Xiaoxiao, who was full, finally focused on them.

"It's nothing. We are discussing whether we should go shopping outside. It's the first time to come here. It would be a shame not to walk around."

Tai Shu Jing smiled and said.

"I agree with this, I agree with both hands, I also want to go with you, Miss, you don't think I get in the way, do you?"

Yelled loudly, and then Ao Xiaoxiao looked at them pitifully, like a little rabbit.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful, go together if you want, I didn't say not to take you."

Smiling and shook his head, Tai Shu Jing said.

"Yeah, great, thank you Miss Miss."

With a happy cry, Ao Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

After a while, everyone at this table was almost full. Except for a few that weren't eaten, the dishes on this table were eaten cleanly, perfectly showing the traditional virtue of no leftovers.

"Senior, newcomer, Xiaobai and I will go shopping in the city. Before the alchemy competition begins, we will rush to the venue in time and laugh with us."

When he came to Ao Jue, Tai Shujing greeted him.

"No problem, go, remember not to be late."

Waved his hand, Ao Jue readily agreed.

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