My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 387 Wandantai!

The venue of the alchemy event is in the central area of ​​Dancheng, and it is also a famous place called Wandantai.

This Wandantai was specially built by the Alchemy Guild to pill refining competitions for the alchemists.

Before the Dan League, the predecessor of the Alchemist Guild, had not changed its name, this Wandantai already existed, and it has a long history now, and it is one of the most important places in the city.

All previous grand alchemy events across the continent have been held in this place, and it has always been full of seats.

"It turns out to be Lord Holy Maiden of the Dragon Race, please forgive the subordinates for being rude."

After hearing the words Holy Maiden of the dragon clan, the leader Sage waved to the two soldiers, and then made a complaint.

When Ao Jue entered the venue before, he reminded him that there were members of the Dragon Clan who would arrive later, one man and two women, but he didn't say that one was the Dragon Clan Holy Maiden.

This made him feel a little speechless, the dragon quasi-king didn't even tell him the most important thing.

"Then can we go in?"

Ao Xiaoxiao nodded and asked.

"Of course, please."

With that, the leader Sage bowed slightly and made a please gesture to Tai Shujing and the others.

Although two of these three did not look like dragons, they looked like humans, but he didn’t think too much. There was a dragon, Holy Maiden, and the number of people was in line with that dragon quasi-king. Naturally Can be released.

"Let's go, Bai Big sis, Miss Miss."

Speaking to Tai Shujing and Xiaobai, Ao Xiaoxiao walked towards the entrance first.

The two followed Ao Xiaoxiao's footsteps. When passing by Sage's side, Tai Shujing smiled at him and disappeared at the entrance.

"This person is quite polite."

When Tai Shujing and the three of them disappeared, the Sage murmured. It was the first time he met someone who would smile at him, and he was a young man.

Among the people who passed here before, there has never been a young man signaled to him, and he didn't even give him a look.

However, he also understood that they were all disciples who were born in the big clans, and they would always carry an inexplicable arrogance on them. It was normal to look down on them, ordinary defenders of the city.

Therefore, Tai Shujing's performance made the entrance guard Sage feel a little surprised.

Without thinking too much, this Sage quickly reduced his expression and continued to perform his own duties.

Walking out of the entrance, Tai Shujing and the three people appeared in a huge square. To be less, there was a radius of a thousand feet, and there were pill furnaces on it.

Rows of Dan furnaces are neatly arranged in the venue, which is very spectacular. This is Wantentai.

At the edge of the venue, there are already many people seated, circle after circle around the whole venue, and guests from many influences appear in the sky in the middle of the sky, condescendingly looking at everything on the venue below, demonstrating his identity. .

"Uncle Ao Jue and they are there."

Ao Xiaoxiao pointed to a place on the left side of the sky, Ao Jue and Tao Baikong and their figures stood by the window very eye-catchingly.

"Go, let's go quickly."

After speaking, Ao Xiaoxiao took Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai and left the place.

Under the guidance of the maid, Tai Shujing and the three came to Tianqueli specially prepared for the dragon clan, and joined Ao Jue and the others.

"Come on, this time the big competition is about to open, and then it's up to them."

Ao Jue stood by the window, looked at the conference hall below, and said lightly.

"Uncle Ao Jue, are they alchemists with a few patterns?"

At this time, Ao Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

She didn't know the people in the clan who studied Alchemy, and didn't know what level they had reached. This time, she came to participate in the alchemy event, hoping that she wouldn't be embarrassed.

Although alchemists from all over the continent can participate in the grand alchemy event held this time, there are requirements.

That is, contestants must reach the four-stripe level in order to participate in this competition, otherwise, they can only come here to be a spectator.

In other words, the alchemists who participated in this competition were all alchemists with four patterns or more, and they had all been certified in the alchemy guild.

Of course, there are also a very small number of alchemists who have not been certified by the alchemy guild, but they can also participate in this competition among the competition places of the major forces.

This is also some of the privileges granted by the Alchemy Guild to those forces, and it is harmless.

"You ask me, how do I know? I didn't teach Alchemy."

Ao Jue said abruptly.

In the Dragon Clan, who didn't know that Ao Jue was an upright ascetic, and his teaching was also about fighting. Alchemy was all from the Dragon Clan and had nothing to do with him.


Nodded, Ao Xiaoxiao didn't ask, she knew he would say that. Who made him a big boss? Can't play with something as detailed as Alchemy.

"Brother Ao Jue, who do you think will get the flowers this time?"

On the high platform next door, Tao Baikong, a little talkative guy, spoke.

"Which family can I get? How could it not be that his alchemy guild got the big head, in terms of pill refining, who has practiced the old men in the alchemy guild, and the disciples they taught, how can it go?"

Ao Jue said indifferently.

All the major forces in the Central Region will participate in the previous alchemy events, betting on treasures, blood sacred medicines are all gadgets, and medicine king-level treasures are the real treasures.

It depends on the ranking of the alchemists under the major powers in the final result of the competition, which will determine the ownership of the treasures bet by all the powers.

However, the Alchemy Guild has always been a big head. After all, people also rely on pill refining for their meals.

And alchemists from other forces can participate in such a pill refining competition, and they can also accumulate a lot of experience, which is of great help to future growth.

Otherwise, every time the Alchemy Guild gets the big head, who will continue to play with them.

"Haha, that's true, but I'm just waiting for them to have a long experience. It doesn't matter who gets the flowers."

With a haha ​​smile, Tao Baikong nodded.

The past alchemy grand gatherings were all won by the disciples of the alchemy guild. It seems that they have never missed their hands, and this time should be no exception.

The time for the opening of the alchemy event is getting closer, and the edge of the Bantentai is already crowded with people, all audiences.

The lively sounds one after another, Tai Shujing in the Tianque and the others can hear the noise coming from below.

"Jing, Dage and sister-in-law are here."

Suddenly, Xiaobai gently pulled Tai Shujing's sleeve, making him look to the right.

A few rooms away, Tai Shujing saw her brother and sister-in-law at a glance. It was the team of the Star Palace, and they really came.

Just as the two looked at Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue, the other side also looked over.

"Xiao Jing and Xiao Bai are here too, and they are indispensable."

Tai Shuyun nodded slightly to his little brother and smiled.

"It seems that they get along well with the dragons."

Looking over, Lan Xiyue saw Tai Shujing and Xiaobai's Dragon tribe around them, and said with a smile.

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