My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 388 The evildoers are inherited!


Seeing Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai looking at a Tianque not far away at the same time, Ao Xiaoxiao became curious.

"White Big sis, Miss Miss, who are they?"

Ao Xiaoxiao asked.

"My brother and my sister-in-law."

Withdrawing his gaze, Tai Shujing responded truthfully.

"Miss's Big Brother and sister-in-law, that is Big Sister and another Big sis."

Ao Xiaoxiao poked own chin with his finger, and the old god said something.

"Haha, you are right to say that."

Hearing Ao Xiaoxiao's name, Taishu laughed quietly, her child-like way of thinking was really naive.

However, it is very flattering.

"Boy, he is your brother? The girl next to him was seen before, Star Palace Holy Maiden, good fellow, you can't see anything, it's not already promoted to Daoyuan, right?"

Looking at Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue, Ao Jue subconsciously probed with Immortal's will, but he didn't feel anything.

Just like the fellow Tai Shujing, standing in front of him, he gave him a feeling of nothing, just like an ordinary person.


Regarding Ao Jue's guess, Taishu nodded quietly to express affirmation.

After he and Xiaobai were promoted to the Dao Source Realm, Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue also followed, and they were promoted to the Dao Source Realm one after another. The auspicious cloud vision that day was caused by them.

Although Ao Jue couldn't see it, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai could still feel it.

The auras of Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue are very similar to them, that is to say, they are also two peerless kings.

From this point of view, the two should have understood the power of order and did not lag behind them at all.

"It seems that evildoers are inherited."

Shocked for a long time, Ao Jue spit out such a sentence.

Hearing that, the uncle shook his head quietly, and it should be more appropriate to describe it as God’s love, otherwise it would not be so easy for the two brothers to get to this day.

"Boy, you can ask your brother to sit on our True Dragon God Mountain. Also, Feng Yan, the holy son of the Phoenix clan, has a good relationship with you. It's also good to walk around."

After returning to his senses, Ao Jue punished his uncle Jingly.

Since they are the two brothers of the evildoer, the other one is also worthy of his Dragon Clan's friendship. This kind of opportunity is something other people can't ask for.

"I will."

Nodding, Tai Shu Jing responded with a smile.

He also knew what Ao Jue meant. Although there was a taste of wooing, he didn't think there was anything wrong. It should be said that this was the result that Tai Shujing was happy to see.

The Star Palace is not a top power in this place, let alone those giant powers.

Now, with his older brothers Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue promoted to the Daoyuan realm, the strength of the Star Palace is a bit higher, but the foundation is still lacking.

Friends with the Dragon and Phoenix clan can also develop the Star Palace.

Otherwise, relying only on two peerless kings, the Star Palace wants to grow, it is very difficult, the foundation needs time to accumulate.

Tianque on the other side.

"Holy Maiden, do you know someone from the Dragon Race?"

An old man in the Sage realm asked aloud.

"Xu Elder knows something, he is the little brother of Yun Big Brother."

With a slight smile, Lan Xiyue explained to this Elder.

"So, it turned out to be Young Brother Yun's relative, Little Brother, so how could he be in the dragon clan?"

Xu Elder is curious again.

"Haha, the reason is very simple. The person that the kid likes is in the dragon clan, so he will naturally be there."

Uncle Yun laughed.

"The old man understands."

After hearing Tai Shuyun's answer, this Xu Elder also smiled.

From this point of view, the two brothers are actually quite similar. They are both beside the person they like, and they have a strong body, but they don't have the idea of ​​wanting to be famous in the world on the big stage of Zhongyu.

It's like those infatuated species in the world, but it's a bit rare.

"Xiyue, go, let's go see him."

With that said, Tai Shuyun took steps, except for Tian Que, headed towards Tai Shujing and them.

"Xu Elder, we will go back."

Lan Xiyue nodded to Xu Elder, and then went out of the sky too.

"It's a good sentence to gather people and groups by things."

Seeing his own Holy Maiden and her dao companion walked out of the sky, this Xu Elder stroked his gray beard and murmured with emotion.

When Lan Xiyue first entered the Star Palace, no one had thought that she would become the true king of Daoyuan Realm in just a few years and become the strongest in his Star Palace.

Even the Palace Master of the Star Palace is still wandering in the Realm of the Quasi-king, and has not yet been confident enough to survive the Heart's Demon calamity.

Later, the Holy Maiden of the Star Palace has surpassed the palace lord. This matter is said to be embarrassing.

And this Holy Maiden's dao companion is even more unfathomable. No one can think of them. They are all evildoers who popped out of a corner on the mainland.

Although the strongest person in the Star Palace today is their Holy Maiden, this does not mean that the Star Palace can be on an equal footing with those giants, and it is far from it.

The growth of the Star Palace cannot be done by only one person, it requires everyone's efforts.

It also takes time to accumulate. Lan Xiyue's existence is already equivalent to the guardian of the Star Palace, which can guarantee the indestructibility of the Star Palace's inheritance.

Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue came over here, and Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai also saw it.

"Xiao Jing, Xiao Bai, come to see you for my brother."

As soon as he entered the door, Tai Shuyun said something, making Tai Shu Jing roll his eyes and pretend to be gentle. Is it necessary?

"Brother, it's my own family, don't pretend."

Shaking his head, Tai Shujing said helplessly.

"Ahem, what do you know, I am giving you a Face, so ignorant, how could I have a Little Brother like you."

But when Tai Shuyun glanced at him, he said righteously.

"You are happy, you are happy, all right."

After spreading out her hands, Tai Shujing didn't bother to accompany him to play tricks anymore, she looked too stupid and naive.

"Okay, Big Brother Yun, you are not a kid anymore if you converge a little."

Lan Xiyue reminded her by pinching Tai Shuyun's arm.

"Senior, we meet again."

Then, Lan Xiyue leaned slightly to Ao Jue and bowed.

"Haha, we met again. In just a few years, we surpassed us old seniors. It's not bad. The Star Palace really picked up the treasure this time."

Looking at Lan Xiyue in front of her, Ao Jue sighed with emotion.

He still remembers the last time he met when the underground palace was opened, when the saint son of their Star palace rebelled and surrendered to the enemy and wanted to kill their younger disciples.

Later, when the danger was turned into bargaining, the tripartite forces held the Star Palace accountable and asked for an explanation.

At that time, it was Liu Huang who led the team. Just when he was poor, the Star Palace Holy Maiden in front of him stood up and spoke, which made Ao Jue's memory especially deep.

Now it seems that women are not allowed to bear eyebrows.

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