My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 393 Fire of Heaven and Earth!

On the Banten stage, the second round of pill refining was in full swing.

"Senior, do these refined Medicine Pills belong to the organizer of the Alchemist Guild?"

Uncle Tai asked quietly.

"Naturally, the Alchemy Guild provides venues, pill recipes, medicinal materials, and pill furnaces. Whether this Medicine Pill is refined or refined, it belongs to the Alchemy Guild."

"After the event, there will be a Medicine Pill auction to sell these refined Medicine Pills through auction. How about they are smart enough?"

As he said, Ao Jue showed an inexplicable smile.

"It's very smart."

With a laugh, the uncle nodded quietly.

Refining a large number of Medicine Pills with the hands of many alchemists, Medicine Pill still belongs to the Alchemy Guild, and can be sold in the end. It seems very business-minded.

"Wow... what kind of flame is this? It turned out to be orange."

In the audience, there was a cry.

I saw on the Wandan platform, an alchemist called out different flames, which were hotter than ordinary flames. Under the smelting of the flames, those medicinal materials were quickly removed from the impurities and turned into liquid medicine.

"The lower flame of Earth Fire."

Seeing the orange flame, Ao Jue raised his eyes slightly and said lightly.

To say what tool is most useful for pill refining in this world, it is of course not the pill furnace, but the peculiar flames born in the world.

The flames bred by heaven and earth have different characteristics.

But no matter what kind of flame is used for pill refining, it can tell the quality of Medicine Pill. There are many Ascension, the stronger the flame, the higher the quality of Medicine Pill refined.

The world divides the flames naturally bred between heaven and earth into sky fire and earth fire.

There are thirty-six sky fires, and Earth Fire has more, with seventy-two flowers scattered between the sky and the earth.

Among these 36 sky fires, there are 27, which contain a peculiar flame origin, with extremely terrifying lethality, much more terrifying than those Medicine Kings.

Such a sky fire is equivalent to a powerful Dao Source Realm, evaporating the rivers and seas.

The remaining nine sky fires contained a flame order that surpassed the power of the source, which was even more terrifying, equivalent to a peak powerhouse in the emperor's realm.

Each of these nine sky fires has the power to burn the sky and boil the sea.

So far, on the Divine Desolate Continent, there are only eleven sky fires that have been conquered by ascetics. Among them, a few of them have passed away, and sky fires have returned to nature.

And the nine most powerful sky fires, on the mainland today, it seems that only one powerful being controls one of them, and the remaining eight sky fires have not yet been subdued.

As for those seventy-two Earth Fires, they are often subdued.

The power of law is contained in the Earth Fire, and it is not difficult for the mighty power of the cave to subdue a kind of Earth Fire.

Moreover, these Earth Fires still have numerous lower-level flames, and if the strands of fire diverged from the body, they will evolve into a special kind of flame on their own.

These evolved flames do not have the power of laws, so even low-level ascetics can conquer them with a little trick.

These low-level flames possess the characteristics of the Earth Fire itself, but they are weakened a lot, but they are still stronger than ordinary flames.

Therefore, many alchemists are extremely keen to find these less powerful flames for pill refining.

Pill refining is inseparable from the pill furnace and flame.

Whether it is a good alchemy furnace or a good flame, it can be a great help to the alchemist pill refining.

Only when the alchemist reaches the level of seven patterns and condenses the rules, can he put aside the pill furnace and flames and directly pill refining the fire of the rules, which is more convenient.

However, it is a bit more difficult to reach the level of seven patterns, and it is basically impossible in one stroke.

Therefore, before becoming an alchemist with seven patterns, the lower level flames of Earth Fire between heaven and earth are more popular.

"There is no law of breath, it turns out to be like this."

From the orange flame, Tai Shujing couldn't feel the slightest power of law. No wonder Ao Jue would say that it was the lower flame of Earth Fire.

As early as in the Yunmeng Mountain Range, he had seen a kind of Earth Fire, a purple electric fire.

Thinking about it now, that one should be the lower flame of the purple electric fire, or the sub-fire of the purple electric fire, otherwise, the small fire was afraid that it would not be able to swallow that flame.

"In fact, it's not much to look at. If it is Earth Fire, it is almost the same, but it is impossible. Without the Cultivation Base, it is difficult to conquer Earth Fire, unless it is borrowed from outside."

Shaking his head, Ao Jue said again.

"For the alchemist, this is much better than ordinary flames."

Smiled, Tai Shujing said.

There are only 72 Earth Fires in this world. There are thousands of alchemists on the mainland, and it is impossible for everyone to get them. Only those lower Earth Fire flames can meet the needs of many alchemists.

For a five-patterned alchemist, it is already very good to have a lower level flame of Earth Fire.

"Look, there are flames of other colors coming out."

Suddenly, Ao Xiaoxiao pointed to the Wandan platform and shouted.

After the alchemist took the lead in showing the lower flames of Earth Fire, other alchemists on the stage also began to show special flames under their control.

For a while, flames of various colors emerged from the Banten Terrace. They were colorful and pretty.

"Haha, the flame meeting has begun."

Seeing this beautiful and fun scene, Ao Jue laughed, a little energetic.

In previous alchemy grand gatherings, such a scene will appear. Many lower-level flames of Earth Fire have appeared one after another. Every time you look at it, you won't feel tired.

"Oh, there is also an Earth Fire, that is... Baicao Flame."

Among the many heterochromatic flames, an emerald green flame is very conspicuous.

Although it is in the shape of a flame, it gives people a sense of vitality. If you get close, you can smell the vanilla wafting from the flame.

The smell of vanilla that floats out is the characteristic of the Baicao Flame, exuding the breath of the law of wood.

"Yes, it turned out to be Baicaoyan. Among the 72 Earth Fires, it ranks 66. Although the ranking is a little lower, it can at least be ranked in the top 20 for pill refining."

Ao Jue was also interested, and he immediately revealed the rank of this flame.

In the meeting place, the appearance of this Baicao Flame also attracted everyone's attention, and many people recognized this emerald green flame.

"Baicaoyan, yes, with a little training, it will definitely reach the level of seven patterns in the future, you can consider recommending it."

On the high platform, Honorary Elder Song Qingsheng stroked his own beard, looked at the alchemist who controlled the Baicao Flame, and nodded in satisfaction.

Listening to what he meant, he wanted to recruit this alchemist into the alchemy guild. After all, they had a kind of Earth Fire in their hands, and it was one of the few flames most suitable for pill refining.

It is difficult to guarantee the honor of this alchemy guild. Elder will not be tempted.

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