My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 394: Night Market!

The emergence of a kind of Earth Fire immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"It seems that he is not from Zhongyu. I don't know how many forces will extend an olive branch to him. The Alchemy Guild will definitely not watch him slip away. This kid is out of luck."

The alchemist who controls the Baicaoyan is a middle-aged man, and Ao Jue can tell at a glance that he is not a member of the Middle Territory. After all, the alchemists who are under the forces on the scene are well-dressed and very easy to identify.

Like these casually dressed alchemists, most of them came from other places on the mainland.

"This second pill refining competition is also over."

Nodding, Tai Shu Jing said something.

I saw that on the high platform, the incense that had been ignited was about to burn out, and the flames of all colors were also extinguished, which meant that they had completed the refining of Medicine Pill.

From this point of view, we know how helpful the special flame is to pill refining.


The incense burned out, the bell rang, and the second match ended.

The pattern lights up, extinguishing all the fires, even the special flames that are still burning, are extinguished by inexplicable power, and the flames are forced back into the body of the alchemist.

After a while, the result came out.

Similarly, a group of alchemists were eliminated, and several others were in control of special flames, but they still failed.

The second round of pill refining took an hour, which was longer than the first round.

The first competition took more than half an hour.

When the results of the second competition came out, it was already twilight, and the first day of the event had come to an end.

"Today's pill refining competition ends here, and we will continue with the next competition tomorrow."

On the high platform, the honorary Elder Song Qingsheng shouted, announcing that today's alchemy event had been suspended.

"There is nothing good about pill refining. It's not as good as those flames. I don't know if there will be a better flame tomorrow."

Standing up and stretching, Ao Xiaoxiao said.

"By the way, Uncle Ao Jue, I just saw a member of the clan go up to pill refining, where did the others go?"

Huo Er, Ao Xiaoxiao looked at Ao Jue.

In the second pill refining competition, she only saw one member of the clan playing, and the others were neither playing pill refining nor being a spectator here. What did she do?

"Of course I went to practice, do you think pill refining is easy?"

Ao Jue gave her an angry look.

"Oh, so hard, Uncle Ao Jue, please give them a good compliment."

Nodding, Ao Xiaoxiao blinked.

"Praise a ghost, well, the people from the Alchemy Guild have arranged for us to settle down tonight. Whatever you want to do in the evening, I will find some of them to drink."

Turning around, he said something to Tai Shujing and the others, then put his hands on his back and walked out leisurely.

"Yeah, great, you can go out to play."

After Ao Jue left, Ao Xiaoxiao jumped up happily on the spot.

"Miss Miss, White Big sis, let's go play, I heard that Dan City at night is very lively."

In the next moment, Ao Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to say to the two of them.

"Let's go, then, we haven't visited the overnight market for a long time."

Nodding, Tai Shujing readily agreed.

He remembers that the last time he visited the night market was when he was in Yunguo a few years ago, when he happened to make a small fortune and went to the restaurant later.

As a result, he and Tai Shuyun are both people with no artistic talents, and they don't understand singing and dancing at all.

People go there to watch beauties singing and dancing, and only a few of them are there to make soy sauce.

At that time, it seemed that Xiaobai wanted to go.

"Xiaobai, do you remember the last time you went to the night market?"

Looking back, Tai Shujing smiled at Xiaobai.

"Remember, people are watching singing and dancing. Only you and Dage are eating and drinking, and they don't understand customs."

Xiaobai smiled and said mercilessly.

"Um...Xiaobai, you are wrong. It's not that you don't understand style, but you are not interested."

When Xiaobai said something, Tai Shu Jing concealed it.


Beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and the corner of Xiao Bai's mouth twitched, looking at him with a smile.

"Yes, yes, it's getting dark, let's go."

Pretending to be calm, Tai Shujing walked outside after saying this, looking quite imposing.

"Puff, what's so embarrassing about this."

With a brilliant smile, Xiao Bai shook his head.

"White Big sis, Miss Miss seems to be shy. Tell me what's going on?"

Seeing Tai Shujing's pretentious calmness, Ao Xiaoxiao approached Xiaobai and asked curiously.

"Say while walking..."

With a chuckle, Xiao Bai and her followed Tai Shujing's footsteps and walked out of Tian Que.

Night fell.

The moon was high, and the sky was full of stars. Even the bright lights in the city of Pill did not cover up the light of the sky.

It was already night, and the entire city of Pill was illuminated by bright lights, and the connected streets were all people coming out to play.

None of the shops and restaurants on the side of the street are closed, and there are even more small stalls and vendors.

There are more people at night than during the day.

"Why are there so many people?"

In the crowd, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai walked towards a more lively place with Ao Xiaoxiao.

It's just that when there are too many people, it will inevitably be crowded. Ao Xiaoxiao has been hit on the shoulder several times, making her unsteady, which is a bit annoying.

"Smile, you are also a Sage anyway. Although there is no need to use coercion to force others out of the way, you can still wrap your whole body with aura so that others can't get close. Do you understand that?"

Taishu stopped quietly and said with a smile to her.

"Understand, you understand, Miss Miss, you said earlier, I said that you and Bai Big sis have no problem at all, it turned out to be the case."

After understanding Tai Shujing's meaning, Ao Xiaoxiao also cleverly wrapped herself up with aura, and then she found that passers-by could not touch her.

"Then go ahead, it seems very lively over there."

Seeing that Ao Xiaoxiao did it quickly, the uncle smiled quietly, took Xiaobai's hand, and continued to walk back, Ao Xiaoxiao followed the two of them, and kept muttering something.

It sounds like I'm talking about show...

"Hurry up, Tiannv Pavilion's Tiannv Draft is about to begin."

"That can't be missed."

When walking down the central street of Chaodan City, Tai Shujing and the others heard someone shouting, and then a lot of people rushed towards one place.

"What's the matter with them? In such a hurry?"

Seeing many passers-by suddenly walking quickly and rushing towards a place, Ao Xiaoxiao was a little unclear. So, are they all in a hurry to go home to collect their clothes?

But it didn't rain this day either.

"I guess there is something like a celebration. I will see it in the past. It can attract so many people. It is not an ordinary event. It's just that I seem to have heard the word "draft"..."

After pondering for a moment, the color of thinking flashed in Tai Shujing's eyes.

He wasn't sure if he had heard it wrong, he just heard the man shout, and then it was overwhelmed by other voices.

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