My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1004 The more I think about it, the more I am wronged and tears burst into tears

Instead of letting Xia Qingfan pursue it relentlessly, it is better to let Tang Junhou suffer a little bit and let this matter go. Of course, this was originally his idea, but Tang Junhou was not smart enough, so he ignored it.

In the crowd, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

Although other people knew that what happened tonight was a bit strange, they didn't know the inside story after all, and most of them thought that Xia Qingfan was just being upright, so they insisted on finding out the truth.

But they already knew that Gong Yuanhong had played a disgraceful role in this matter, and Tang Junhou couldn't produce such a magic weapon as the Seven Star Crying Flag. So they also knew very well that not only Tang Junhou would be unlucky, but Gong Yuanhong could also bear the blame.

Xia Qingfan must have guessed something or discovered something, so she deliberately pressed her every step of the way. On the surface, she was pressing Tang Junhou, but in fact she was targeting Gong Yuanhong. In the end, he got his wish and forced Gong Yuanhong to Advancing and retreating only in the valley, had to abandon the pawns to protect the handsome.

I didn't expect that this sleepy god would have such a listless side. It really is a person who can't be judged by his appearance, and the sea can't be measured.

Gong Yuanhong's subordinates did not procrastinate this time, and directly dragged Tang Junhou towards the gate of the city.

In fact, Tang Junhou wasn't dizzy at all. When Xia Qingfan said that he was going to hang him on the flagpole, he almost yelled out in fright, but before he could speak, Gong Yuanhong's voice came from his ear: "Xian Nephew, I have wronged you today. If I don't do this, Xia Qingfan will definitely not let it go. If the situation is revealed, not only will I not be able to help you, but I will also be unable to protect myself. Just be patient for a few days. I will help you rise to the top, and the grievances between you and Gu Fenghua are also on my shoulders, so I will definitely help you to save yourself."

Although Tang Junhou was not intelligent enough to understand Gong Yuanhong's profound eyes, he could hear these words clearly, and he also realized that if what happened tonight was wrong, the punishment he received would definitely be worse than he is now. No matter how light, if the news of Gong Yuanhong's collusion with him gets out, he will certainly be able to escape the blame, and he will not be able to help himself at all.

Instead of doing that, it's better to suffer a little bit and let this matter go. Afterwards, Gong Yuanhong would never treat himself badly.

It's just that he was beaten up for no reason, and in the end he still has to suffer this living crime. What is he doing for it!

The more Tang Junhou thought about it, the more wronged he became, and tears poured out again. Anyway, he was condemned for this crime, so he didn't bother to pretend anymore, so he just cried to his heart's content.

"Young master, take care of yourself!" Tang Xiyi said with a sad face when he came to the gate of the city and took out a handkerchief to help Tang Junhou wipe his eyes.

"Don't forget what I told you, hurry up and do it." Tang Junhou gave Gu Fenghua in the crowd a hard look, and said. There was even more hatred in the tearful eyes. After tonight's incident, of course his hatred for Gu Fenghua will not diminish in the slightest, but will become even more bitter.

"Please rest assured, young master." Tang Xiyi nodded heavily.

Under everyone's gaze, Tang Junhou was hung on the flagpole like a monkey again. Why do you say again, because this is not the first time, the first time was being slashed by Gu Fenghua with a sword and hung from a tree. His name did not come up in vain, as expected he was destined to be a monkey.

The cold light whistled, blowing away his green scarf, the green cloth belt fluttered with the wind, and Tang Houzi's sad and unwilling tears also fluttered with the wind.

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