"Sin!" In the crowd, someone sighed in pity, and it also fluttered in the wind.

However, this kind of compassion is obviously limited. Soon, everyone shrank their necks and went back to their rooms, not bothering to look at Tang Junhou anymore.

Gu Fenghua and the others also returned to the courtyard, recalling everything that happened before, they were a little excited and had no intention of cultivating, so they sat in the courtyard and chatted happily.

"By the way, when did Heizi become so powerful? I heard that Tang Houzi had already advanced to the rank of Soul Sage. How could he be beaten into a pig's head? Well, it's much more pleasing to the eye than before." Luo Enen looked excited , asked curiously. At the end, he also praised Cub's plastic surgery by the way.

Fortunately, Tang Junhou was still hanging on the flagpole, so he didn't hear her last words, otherwise, he probably wouldn't last for three days, and now he would cut off his meridians and die of grief and indignation.

Fatty Bai and Xie Youran also had doubts on their faces. As far as Cub Cub's strength is concerned, it's okay to hit black fists and sap sticks. How could it be possible to hurt Tang Junhou who has been promoted to the soul saint like this, so when he first saw Tang Junhou They were all shocked by the hot pig's head.

"Why don't you ask Heizi to come out and ask?" Lorn said.

"No, it's such a simple matter. He believed that I was the one who did it, so the more he was injured, the greater my crime and the heavier the punishment. So, instead of making a move, he even Just take the initiative to seek a beating." Gu Fenghua said.

Luo Enen and the others didn't know how powerful the Seven Star Scary Banner was, but Gu Fenghua was instructed by Gui Yezi, so he guessed what was going on after a while, and there was no need to ask the little bear cub.

Of course, I can't ask if I want to. That guy beat people too hard today, and he was too excited. As soon as he finished work, he went back to the pet space and fell asleep. He slept so soundly that he almost caught up with Xia Qingfan That sleepy man, Gu Fenghua probably doesn't let him sleep comfortably for two or three days, and no one can wake him up.

"That's right, you guessed pretty well." Saying that he was sleepy, just as Gu Fenghua finished speaking, a figure fell lightly into the yard, and Xia Qingfan's lazy voice sounded at the same time.

"Lord Xia." Gu Fenghua and the others stood up at the same time. Knowing Xia Qingfan's background, they should show due respect no matter what.

"You don't need to be so obtrusive, it's not that you don't know me, just call me by my name." Xia Qingfan walked over enthusiastically without any airs.

"Okay, then we won't see you anymore. These are Jun Lansheng, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran, and Fang Tianyou." Gu Fenghua introduced Fatty Bai and the others to Xia Qingfan. As for Xia Qingfan, there is no need to introduce him, Gu Fenghua had already mentioned him when he handed over the trial token last time, and he had met himself just now.

"Last time, I was supposed to deliver the trial order for you guys, but I was too busy with other things, so I had to ask Ms. Gu to pass it on for me. Please forgive me for being rude." Xia Qingfan said a little ashamedly .

"Brother Xia is serious. The Promise Trial is so important. Brother Xia has too many things to worry about. There is no need to go to such a trivial matter." Everyone in Seji was flattered, so how could they complain about him.

Having seen Gong Yuanhong's domineering, domineering and unreasonable demeanor, they originally thought that everyone in Wuji Shengtian was as arrogant and arrogant as him. It wasn't until they saw Xia Qingfan at this time that they realized that Wuji Shengtian also had such an attitude A modest and gentleman, everyone favors him greatly.

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