My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1006 The real reason for his shame

Looking at Xia Qingfan's ashamed face, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen secretly laughed, they were too busy with things, they were obviously too busy to sleep, okay? This, I am afraid, is the real reason for his shame.

"Brother Xia, thank you just now." Gu Fenghua said to Xia Qingfan. Although Xia Qingfan said that it would be fine to just call him by his first name, but he is obviously a few years older, and it is impossible for Gu Fenghua to be so rude, even at the very least, he doesn't distinguish between young and old.

"It's okay, Gong Yuanhong and his master are not good people. They have been against my master all day long. I have long disliked them. What happened just now is clearly that he and Tang Junhou colluded to frame you. I just distinguish right from wrong and pay you back." That's all fair." Xia Qingfan waved her hand and said indifferently.

Gu Fenghua faintly heard that Wuji Shengtian is not a paradise, and there are still open and covert struggles for power and profit. At least, Xia Qingfan's master and Gong Yuanhong's master and apprentice are incompatible. But this is also normal, where there are people, how can there be no fights.

"It's a pity that only Tang Junhou was punished, and Gong Yuanhong still avoided it." Luo Enen said a little unwillingly.

Although she doesn't have the exquisite mind of Gu Fenghua, but she comes from a wealthy family, and she is no stranger to intrigue. She could clearly see Xia Qingfan's pressing Gong Yuanhong every step of the way before, and she had already guessed that Gong Yuanhong It was for self-protection that Tang Junhou was pushed out.

"Gong Yuanhong has the backing of his master, and I really can't do anything to him. If I really want to force Tang Junhou to tell the truth, at most his reputation will be damaged, and he will go back to Wuji Holy Heaven to retreat and contemplate his mistakes. What benefits can you get? At least you don't want to keep that magic weapon for yourself, it must be returned to its original owner." Xia Qingfan said comfortingly. The magic weapon he was talking about was, of course, the Seven Stars Crying Flag.

"What magic weapon, what are you talking about?" Of course Gu Fenghua would not admit that the Seven Star Crying Flag was on his body.

That is a magic weapon from Wuji Shengtian. Although there is no threat to her, not everyone in this world has the power of the phoenix like her. Unless the cultivation level exceeds the limit of the magic weapon, there are really few people who can resist it. Can live.

So as long as you think about it with your toes, you can also think of how valuable this magic weapon is, and how she is willing to return it. And the safest way to keep the Seven-Star Horror Flag is to prevent people from knowing that the magic weapon is on her.

"Stop pretending, I can clearly see what you did just now, including how that little black bear beat Tang Junhou until his face was full of blood. Do you still have to explain it clearly? If I say Got it, you won't be able to keep that magic weapon." Xia Qingfan pouted and said.

"So you've come here a long time ago." Gu Fenghua was a little embarrassed to be caught and revealed himself. Fortunately, after listening to Xia Qingfan, she was not prepared to reveal this secret at all, so she was relieved.

"Since you came early, why didn't you show up earlier, and almost let Gong and Tang Houzi confuse you." Luo Enen complained. Seeing Luo Enen complaining about Xia Qingfan in such an impolite tone, Ye Wuse and Xie Youran were shocked. How can you say that other people are also from Wuji Shengtian, and they have their own arrogance. If they get annoyed and turn their faces on the spot, it depends on how you end up.

They obviously underestimated Xia Qingfan's tolerance. Faced with Lornen's complaints, Xia Qingfan didn't mean to get angry at all. Then again, he wasn't even angry when he was trampled on by Lornen's feet one after another until his nose bleeds. How could he be angry because of such a trivial matter.

"I originally wanted to join the crowd to see the excitement, and then come out to slap Gong Yuanhong in the face at a suitable time, but I accidentally fell asleep." Xia Qingfan said embarrassingly.

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