Ye Wuse and Xie Youran were surprised and fell asleep. They actually fell asleep at that time. This Lord Xia is really different.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were covered in cold sweat. Since they were among the crowd to watch the excitement, he could not sit or lie down, but could only stand. That is to say, he fell asleep while standing. It's the god of sleep!

"Anyway, I still have to thank you for helping us get out of this." Gu Fenghua asked puzzledly, "By the way, did you come to see us for something?"

"Oh, I almost forgot the business." Xia Qingfan slapped his forehead and said urgently, "Quick, get me something to eat, just the roasted hare from last time, while Xiaoxue is still practicing in seclusion, hurry up and roast it, Otherwise, once it wakes up, I won’t be able to eat it anymore.” While speaking, he swallowed wildly.


Is this what Master Xia is talking about?

The faces of Ye Wuse and the others were a little cracked.

Ever since Xia Qingfan tasted the hare roasted by Gu Fenghua himself, he felt that his taste buds had become extremely sharp all of a sudden, and everything he ate was tasteless, and eating holy pills was like chewing wax. The golden-brown and oily rabbit smells the irresistible aroma of meat.

He also thought about trying to roast one to satisfy his hunger, but unfortunately, he was strongly protested by the demon pet, and even threatened with death. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up the idea. It was indeed too inhuman to grill other people's distant relatives in front of his demon pet.

So, he wanted to satisfy his greed, and his only hope fell on Gu Fenghua, who happened to be in retreat with Xiaoxue, so how could he miss such a heaven-sent opportunity.

"Okay, I'll bake it for you right now, and we also have some supper." Gu Fenghua took out the barbecue grill, the fat man quickly took out the hare that had been washed and peeled, and Ye Wuse lit a bonfire. They are equally looking forward to Gu Fenghua's barbecue skills.

Soon, Gu Fenghua marinated the hare, put it on a rack and roasted it on the fire.

"By the way, do demon pets also need to retreat?" Loenn asked curiously.

"Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary, but it will take a lot of effort to send you to the Nether Sand Sea in a few days, so let it retreat for a few days to recover its spirit." Xia Qingfan stared at the animal on the campfire intently. The slowly turning hare answered casually.

Although it is not exhaustive, Gu Fenghua still guessed that this is mostly related to the invisible space restriction of the Nether Sand Sea. If it were not for the space restriction, the Nether Sandstorm would have penetrated out long ago, and at least tens of thousands of miles around would have changed. death, even endangering the entire Tianji Continent.

This kind of space restriction is of course not so easy to pass through. Xia Qingfan probably needs to use the supernatural power of the jade rabbit to pass through the restriction.

After seeing the scene of Yu Fang transforming into a mount, Gu Fenghua has already removed the small characters. Can such a giant be called Little Jade Rabbit?

"What do you mean when you said the emperor's envoy?" Luo Enen asked again.

"Wuji Sacred Heaven does not have a country, but there are many sects. Above the sects, there is the Holy Sect. The major halls of the Tianji Continent are under the control of the Sects, and above the Sects are envoys. Going up is Shengjun. I shouldn't have said these things, if you can go to Wuji Holy Heaven, you will naturally know, if you can't go, it doesn't make any sense to know." Xia Qingfan replied softly.

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