Unexpectedly, Gui Yezi's art of refining weapons has such a wonderful effect, and Gu Fenghua's desire to practice this art became even stronger. It's a pity that this old man is too stubborn, if he wants to give him everything, he has to agree to his conditions, but he refuses to even say the content of the conditions, so Gu Fenghua is not willing to agree easily.

However, it is obviously impossible for her to give up at this point. Fortunately, Gu Fenghua had already made up his mind, so he wasn't too worried.

Unable to eat hot tofu in a hurry, Gu Fenghua put the matter aside for the time being, calmed down, reentered the emptiness of his mind, and began to cultivate without haste or impatience.

Gu Fenghua was awakened by a scream, and just after dawn, the scream spread throughout the ancient city of Mingsha.

The screams were so heart-piercing and so tear-jerking that even Gu Fenghua, whose mind was clear, was awakened.

There is no doubt that the scream came from Tang Junhou.

Being hung on a high flagpole, Tang Shaozhu's tenacity derived from the Tang family's blood was once again unleashed. He endured the biting cold wind all night without uttering a sound. When his eyes looked up at him like watching a monkey show, Young Master Tang's dignity was finally shattered, and he could no longer bear the pain like a bone-piercing cold wind, and let out a scream of pain.

Under the flagpole, looking at Tang Junhou who was screaming with tears and snot all over his face, even those who originally had aversion to him couldn't help feeling a little bit of pity.

Of course, Gu Fenghua and his group would definitely not have the slightest sympathy. If Gu Fenghua had not possessed the power of the phoenix and was not affected by the seven-star horror flag, he must have been framed by them and expelled from Mingsha City, even It's impossible to keep this cultivation base.

For Tang Junhou to fall into such a fate, he deserved what he deserved, so what is there to be merciful about?

Accompanied by Tang Junhou's heart-piercing screams, Gu Fenghua came to the courtyard with a smile on his face.

"Fenghua, you're up too. What do you want to eat? How about eight-treasure lotus seed porridge?" Fatty Bai also just got up, and saw Gu Fenghua greet him.

"No, I want to eat the Baifang pure heart porridge you made last time." Before Gu Fenghua could speak, Luo Enen said first.

"It's too troublesome." Fatty Bai frowned. Baifang Qingxin Porridge is a kind of medicinal diet that he invented some time ago. It is made from more than a hundred kinds of exotic flowers and herbs and a kind of fragrant rice produced in the remote mountainous area of ​​Xinghua.

"Beauty, thank you for your hard work. I want to eat Baifang pure heart porridge." Luo Enen said softly, shaking the fat white man's arm.

"Beautiful boy, I'm going to take part in the trial in a few days. I don't know how much hardship I'll have to suffer. For the sake of Enen, you should work hard." Ye Wuse also persuaded, not for the sake of Luo Enen, but for him I want to eat.

"Yeah, handsome brother, thank you for your hard work." Xie Youran and Fang Tianyou also persuaded.

Ever since they tasted Fatty Bai's cooking skills, they only know what is called the best taste in the world. Seeing that even people like Luo Enen, who are used to his cooking skills, are so obsessed with this so-called Baifang Qingxin porridge, how can they miss it? .

Of course, knowing the taboo of Fatty Bai, they no longer dare to call him Fatty anymore, and they blurted out the word "beautiful man", so naturally and sincerely.

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