My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1017 It seems that there is something in the words

In the distance, Tang Junhou's screams were still heard one after another, but it could be seen that the group of people in the yard were in a good mood.

"Okay, you wait, I'll do it right away." The sound of "beautiful boy" came to his ears, and the fat white man was elated. What kind of Baifang Qingxin porridge, he would not find it troublesome to cook a pot of Qianfang Qingxin porridge.

"Wait, that pot of yours is made of stewed meat and stewed vegetables, aren't you afraid of bad taste when you use it to cook such a good medicinal porridge?" Gu Fenghua said.

"But I don't have any other soup pots." Fatty Bai said in embarrassment. Because the pot is used to cook medicinal food, it is not an ordinary household item, but a high-quality magic weapon. Of course, not everyone can make such a magic weapon, so he doesn't have many.

"Take this." Gu Fenghua took out his Yaomu tripod.

"What, you asked me to use your pill stove to cook porridge?" The fat white man's eyes widened. Beside, Luo Enen, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran, and Fang Tianyou all stared wide-eyed.

Maybe other people don't know the origin of this alchemy furnace, but they are all from Misty Cloud Valley, and it's not the first time they have watched Fenghua make alchemy, so how could they not know. This is a divine weapon, the alchemy furnace, she actually uses the divine weapon to cook porridge...

"What's the matter, your Baifang Qingxin porridge is the best in the world. The recipe is so exquisite that even many high-level holy pills may not be able to compare with it. It is actually the most suitable to cook with the Yaomu cauldron." Gu Fenghua said generously.

The fact is indeed so, she has also seen the recipe of Fatty Baifang's Baifang Qingxin Porridge. When it comes to exquisiteness and mystery, it has surpassed many holy pills, and it is not insulting to cook it in a pill furnace. Of course, she did this not only out of affirmation of Fatty Bai, but for another purpose.

"Since you say that, I'm not going to be polite." Fatty Bai picked up the Yaomu cauldron and cooked porridge with the artifact, he was so excited just thinking about it.

"By the way, be careful not to let people steal your mouth." Gu Fenghua reminded.

"Who would come here to steal from us?" Fatty Bai thought Gu Fenghua was joking, and didn't pay much attention.

"It's hard to say, there are too many decent people in this world, what if someone is so shameless." Gu Fenghua said seriously.

Fatty Bai always felt that there was something in Gu Fenghua's words, but he couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't want to think about it, and went to the kitchen with the Yaoding cauldron in his arms.

Not long after, a faint fragrance wafted from the kitchen, mixed with traces of floral fragrance, wisps of medicinal fragrance, and fresh rice fragrance, mixed together, forming an indescribable, yet so appetizing, strange fragrance .

Luo Enen and the others unconsciously swallowed their saliva, while a smirk quietly appeared on the corner of Gu Fenghua's mouth.

"Damn girl! Aren't you torturing this old man!" Of course, not only Gu Fenghua and the others smelled the fragrance, but also Gui Yezi who was hidden in the artifact space.

Different from the storage bracelet, the space of this artifact is not completely isolated from the outside world, so the alluring and strange fragrance is constantly lingering in it. Gui Yezi has been greedy for thousands of years. The unique technique of barbecuing is just when the appetite is wide open, so how can I resist such a temptation.

Swallowing unceasingly, Gui Yezi almost went crazy!

Of course Gui Yezi knew why Gu Fenghua had to let Fatty Bai use her alchemy stove to cook porridge without using the good porridge pot. A good artifact becomes a dead weapon. All she did was to arouse his glutton again and force him to give in.

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