My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1039 Tang Houzi howls loudly

At the same time, at the gate of the city, Tang Junhou, who had been hanged for several days and nights, was finally released. This was what Xia Qingfan had promised before. As long as he persisted for three days, the previous matter would not be pursued.

"I'm not dead yet, Xiyi, I'm not dead yet." As soon as his feet hit the ground, Tang Junhou hugged Tang Xiyi and cried loudly.

In the past three days, he didn't know how much he had suffered and suffered, but these were secondary. The most terrifying thing was the ghostly sandstorm, hanging on the high flagpole. Every time the wind blew and the clouds moved, He was so frightened that his whole body trembled, for fear that the ghostly sandstorm would fall on his head. But his luck was not bad, the ghost sandstorm passed by several times, but it never fell on him.

Just recalling the pain and inner torment he had suffered in the past few days, he still seemed to have had a nightmare, a nightmare that he would never want to remember again for the rest of his life.

"Young master, Lord Gong is still waiting for us, let's go back and talk about it first." Tang Xiyi wiped away his sad tears and helped Tang Junhou up.

"Master Gong?" Tang Junhou didn't expect that Gong Yuanhong was still waiting for him so late, and he was moved in his heart.

"Thanks to Mr. Gong, the young lord's entrusted me can be handled smoothly. I have persuaded one hundred and twenty-three saints, all of them are strong, and one of them even reached the ninth rank of soul saint." Tang Xiyi said with emotion. If it weren't for the Xuanxin Pill that Gong Yuanhong promised, how could he have recruited such a master.

"Okay, okay, this time, I will make Gu Fenghua never see her future, let her kneel in front of me and wag her tail." Tang Junhou said through gritted teeth.


There was nothing to say all night, and at dawn, the horn sounded, and everyone left the room and hurried towards the door of the inn. Such an opportunity comes only once in a lifetime, and no one dares to miss it.

Not long after, the entrance of the inn was crowded with crowds, a dense crowd of people. It was only then that Gu Fenghua discovered that the number of people in this trial was as many as several thousand. But this is not surprising, the Tianji Continent has a vast territory, and there are more than 300 countries, large and small. On average, each country selects more than ten thousand people to participate in the Promise Trial, and together, there are thousands of people.

"It's almost time, come with me." Xia Qingfan had already waited outside the door, glanced at the number of people and said, then walked towards the dark sand sea outside the city.

Everyone followed behind in a long line, their faces were full of excitement and anticipation, and at the same time they were somewhat puzzled: until now, they still don't know what the content of the trial is, so they won't be able to wander around the Nether Sand Sea, safe and sound. Even if you come back, you have passed the trial, right? But anyway, he will participate in the trial soon, and he will have his own answer at that time, so no one asks too much.

A round of red sun rose slowly, covering the vast sea of ​​sand with a fiery red color. But the strange thing is that after bathing in it, everyone didn't feel much warmth. As they stepped forward step by step on the fine yellow sand, their hearts unexpectedly felt somewhat inexplicably chilly.

"The place in front of you is the Nether Sand Sea, which is also your place of trial." Finally, Xia Qingfan stopped, picked up a piece of gravel from the ground, and threw it towards the boundless sea-like desert in front of him.

"Bang!" It looked like there was nothing in front of it, but the gravel that was thrown out seemed to hit an invisible wall, and it was instantly torn apart.

Only then did everyone realize that they had already reached the space barrier of the Nether Sand Sea.

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