My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1040 Don't dare to imagine

"My lord, I don't know what the mission of our trial is?" Finally someone couldn't help asking.

Xia Qingfan did not answer his question directly, but took out a herb from the space bracelet. This medicinal herb is about half a foot long, the stems and leaves are bright red like fire, but the few fruits it bears are crystal clear, like ice sculptures, what makes people secretly amazed is that there are fire-colored silk patterns in the ice-like fruits .

"Hey, what is this?"

"What a strange herb, I've never seen it before." There was a burst of surprise from the crowd. Those who can be selected to participate in the Promise Trial are mostly of good strength, and their vision is naturally not bad, and they come from various countries in the mainland, no matter how rare the exotic flowers and plants are, there will always be people who have seen them. But no one has seen the plant in Xia Qingfan's hand.

"This is called Ice Jade Fire Heart Fruit. The task of your trial this time is to collect Ice Jade Fire Heart Fruit. The trial lasts for three months. When the period expires, the top 50 people who have collected the most ice jade fire heart fruit , then you will be able to go to the Promise Heaven and embark on the path of the real strong." Xia Qingfan said.

It turned out that the trial task was to collect herbs, and everyone looked relaxed. They were worried about hunting monsters or something before, and that would be a life-threatening job. Of course, collecting herbs is much easier and safer.

"Don't underestimate this ice jade fire heart fruit. This herb looks weak, but its roots are buried thousands of feet deep. , if you want to collect it, the only way is to condense your energy like a knife, and use your holy energy to forcefully cut it off." Seeing the disapproval on everyone's faces, Xia Qingfan reminded again.

Only then did everyone know that this trial task was not as easy as they imagined. Since the knife can't stop water and fire from invading, the root system of this ice jade and fire jade is naturally extremely tough. How can it be so easy to cut it with holy energy like a knife?

"Also, you should all know that all treasures of heaven, material and earth are guarded by monsters, and this ice jade fire heart fruit is no exception. In addition to monsters, there are also ghost sandstorms in this ghost sand sea. As for the terrifying nature of ghost sandstorms You should have some understanding of it, so I won't go into details.

In short, this trial task is by no means as easy as you imagined, and if you are not careful, your life will be in danger. The trial tokens given to you earlier have all been collected. If you encounter danger, you can crush them, and someone will come to save you. But since then, your trial will end here. The collected ice The Jade Fire Heart Fruit must also be handed over to Wuji Shengtian. Do you understand everything? "

"Understood." Everyone responded in unison, but no longer had the previous excitement and expectation, but rather worried.

This trial task is not only not easy, it is simply close to death. Leaving aside the monsters, just talking about the ghostly sandstorm is enough to make people tremble with fear.

These days, many holy masters came at the wrong time and were unlucky enough to encounter ghostly sandstorms. They suffered from heart-piercing, bone-burning, heart-burning and soul-destroying pains, and in the end they were seriously injured and had to give up the trial. Escape from the ancient city of Mingsha.

You must know that what they encountered was just a ghost sandstorm seeping out of the space barrier. If they went deep into the ghost sand sea and encountered a real ghost sandstorm, what would be the result? Many people can't imagine it anymore.

"Of course, you can also choose to give up now, and you will never be punished." Xia Qingfan said.

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