With all their strength, in less than an hour, several people have already arrived hundreds of miles away.

Gu Fenghua took out the sky map again and made his fingerprints.

The others hurriedly took this opportunity to take a rest. Although except for the Ninth Prince, Luo Enen and the others had already reached the realm of soul sages, they were still out of breath after running all the way.

Light patterns flickered, and the map of the Netherworld Sand Sea appeared in midair again, like a mirage.

Surprisingly, even after running hundreds of miles, there are still a few red dots closely following behind.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, keep going." The more this happened, the more uneasy Gu Fenghua felt, and he said decisively.

After quickly taking the qi-invigorating elixir, everyone continued to follow behind Gu Fenghua and galloped forward.

Before he knew it, he was a hundred miles away, and several young saint masters appeared in sight. As they walked, they stared and stared, obviously looking for the ice jade fire fruit.

Seeing Gu Fenghua and the others, their faces changed slightly, and they subconsciously held down the hilt of their swords.

Gu Fenghua glanced at them, feeling a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that among the people who tried to besiege them earlier, there were these saint masters.

"Miss Gu, we were only bewitched by Tang Junhou before, and we didn't have a deep hatred with you. Besides, we stopped in time, so why do you bother to force each other so hard?" Seeing Gu Fenghua and his party, those people thought that the other party was wrong. Ken let himself go, caught up to revenge, said with a wry smile.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua shouted, who had no time to find their bad luck.

Just like what the other party said, they didn't have any deep hatred, everything was obstructed by Tang Junhou, she could even let Tang Junhou go, so why bother with these people.

Hearing Gu Fenghua shout such a sentence, several people were a little confused.

"There is danger in the back, hurry up!" Gu Fenghua explained while sprinting forward.

Those people still didn't leave, no matter what, it was an indisputable fact that they made things difficult for Gu Fenghua before, she was already blessed by God if she didn't care about herself, it was hard for them to believe that Gu Fenghua would kindly remind themselves.

"Could it be that she has some kind of conspiracy to plot against her?" Several people looked at each other, and they could see the suspicion in each other's eyes.

However, with her strength, if she wants to attack herself, there should be no need to use any tricks. But then again, they still don't know what kind of cultivation Gu Fenghua is.

"Roar!" Just when a few people were thinking wildly, a rough and deep beast roar suddenly sounded.

A huge shadow instantly enveloped the two of them.

They were two gigantic monsters with a length of more than two feet. Their bodies were covered with red rough scales. They were uneven like rough carvings of rocks that had been eroded by wind and rain, and they seemed to have been scorched by fire. The four legs of the rough scales are thick and powerful, and the curved claws are like sharp sickles. The big ferocious mouth breathes out hot air, spits out a scarlet tongue, and it is also densely covered with barbs.

"Monster Lizard!" Gu Fenghua and others exclaimed at the same time.

The Demon King Monitor Lizard is a legendary ancient monster. It is said that it was extinct tens of thousands of years ago in that catastrophe.

Compared with the existing lizard-type monsters, the Demon King Juxi is bigger in size, and it is far superior in both defense and attack. The most frightening thing is that the sharp claws and tongue thorns of the Demon King Monitor Lizard contain poison. If it hurts one place, even if it only breaks the skin, the toxin will quickly spread throughout the body, causing a sharp drop in strength, and if one is not careful, there will be no chance of escape.

The few holy masters woke up suddenly, Gu Fenghua really kindly reminded himself that they were the ones who treated the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

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