My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1053 Happiness and unhappiness

A holy master with the weakest cultivation base crushed the trial token in his hand without even thinking about it. Anyway, with his strength, it is impossible to pass the trial and go to the Promise Holy Heaven, so when he saw Gu Fenghua and the others, he was ready to give up.

Of course, he didn't expect that his defense against Gu Fenghua saved his life. The trial token was shattered, and a bright light suddenly burst out, penetrating the sky and the earth like lightning. A tall and slender figure broke through the limitation of space and appeared beside him out of thin air, grabbing his belt with one hand and drawing a semicircle with the other.

A piece of crystal light swayed out with his fingertips, forming a huge light shield, enveloping the two of them. At this moment, a demon king lizard roared wildly and swung its sharp claws, grabbing towards the mask.

A surprising scene happened, the sickle-like sharp claws slashed across the middle of the mask, but the two people inside were completely unharmed. There is no doubt that this mask distorts the space. Although it seems that the two are in front of them, they are actually just two illusory images.

"Bah", the mask burst like soap bubbles, and the figures of the two had disappeared.

Everything happened so fast that no one even saw clearly who was the one who came to save people. The only good thing is that the man crushed the trial card in time and finally saved his life.

However, his companions were not so lucky. After all, this trial opportunity is so rare that no one is willing to give up easily. When the Demon King Monitor Lizard appeared, except for the most self-aware saint, everyone else had a moment of hesitation in their minds, that is, this moment Their hesitation made them lose their only chance to survive.

"Ah!" Amidst the screams, the holy master who was walking at the back was grabbed by the monster lizard that jumped out of the yellow sand suddenly, and fell into a pool of blood.

The other holy master in front of him finally came back to his senses. It was obviously too late to take out the trial token and crush it to ask for help. He wisely chose to draw his sword and slash!

Four red holy beads appeared between his eyebrows. It turned out that this person's cultivation had reached the fourth rank of Soul Sage.

"Bang!" His long sword slashed heavily on a monster lizard, making a loud noise. Although this sword failed to split the body of the monster lizard, that huge body was suppressed by him, unable to move for a while.

The holy teacher let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, the demon king lizard was nothing more than that, and he could still suppress it with his cultivation.

"Kah, kah..." Just when he was secretly complacent, a crackling sound came into his ears.

I saw streaks of green rays of light flowing on the monster lizard's body, and the thick armor that was originally simply carved out of a rock turned into a dark blue color, as if cast from fine iron.

"Crack!" With the last crisp sound, the long sword in his hand shattered violently, turning into a pile of metal residues and falling to the ground, leaving only the hilt in his hand.

The holy master's eyes widened suddenly. Although the long sword in his hand is not a peerless sword, it is also passed down from generation to generation. It is said that it was forged by a master swordsmith thousands of years ago with ten years of work. After the sword was completed, a master craftsman was invited to temper it meticulously, and formed a reinforcement formation, which is indestructible while breaking through gold.

This sword has been handed down for thousands of years. I don't know how many bloody battles it has gone through, but it has not suffered any damage. However, it did not expect that it would be so vulnerable in front of this demon king monitor lizard.

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