My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1058: Ice Flowers in the Desert

At dawn, a round of red sun slowly rose from the horizon, dyeing the undulating sand sea with a fiery red color, as if a fire wave was surging.

When Gu Fenghua woke up from his cultivation, the first thing he did was to take out the celestial map and make his handprints. Luo Enen and the others also gathered around. After a night of rest, their exhaustion had already been swept away, and they were all refreshed.

The map of Netherworld Sand Sea appeared in front of them. What made them feel at ease was that there was no sandstorm nearby, nor did they see the red dot representing the Demon King Monitor Lizard.

"Let's go, let's go find the ice jade fire heart fruit." Gu Fenghua got up and said after eating the breakfast made by Fatty Bai.

"Let's go!" Loenen and the others said in unison.

After a night of recuperation, they not only returned to their best physical condition, but also eliminated a lot of the shadow caused by the bloody scene in their hearts, and restored their previous high-spirited fighting spirit.

Stepping on the soft yellow sand, Gu Fenghua and others walked towards the hinterland of the sand sea.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the originally cold sand sea gradually became warmer, and then became scorching hot. The undulating sand sea was billowing with heat waves, as if covered with a layer of water vapor, and the light and shadow were distorted, giving people a sense of emptiness. A real hazy feeling.

It’s no wonder that many people lose their way once they enter the desert. When they look up, they see the same undulating sand sea, the same vagueness, and they can’t find their way at all.

Fortunately, Gu Fenghua used his handprints from time to time to activate the map of the sky, looking for a direction to move forward, otherwise they might get lost in it, and they might travel for a long time, but they always circled the same sand dune.

Suddenly, several people stopped at the same time. On the half-slope of the sand dunes ahead, several bright cold lights reflected. Although the sunlight is so dazzling, and the heat waves rolling over the sand dunes are vaguely hazy, those few cold lights are so conspicuous, like crystal clear frost.

"Bingyu fire heart fruit!" Gu Fenghua and others cheered in surprise at the same time. Probably only a strange herb like ice jade fire heart fruit can grow normally in the Nether Sand Sea, blossom and bear fruit.

Surprised, Fang Tianyou was the first to rush forward.

"Wait!" Gu Fenghua grabbed his arm, and then took out the sky map again.

Even without Xia Qingfan's warning in advance, they also know that all treasures of heaven, material and earth are guarded by monsters, not to mention that this kind of ice jade fire heart fruit is probably the only one that can grow and bloom normally in the Nether Sand Sea. Gu Fenghua Dare to be careless?

"Sorry, I'm too excited." Fang Tianyou is not stupid, he quickly realized that he was too rash, and said embarrassingly.

Gu Fenghua and the others didn't blame him either. This guy doesn't have much training experience. Although his talent is good, his cultivation base is mainly improved by all kinds of panacea. Everyone knows this for a long time. Blame him for what?

"Do it!" Seeing no danger from the sky map, Gu Fenghua made a decisive decision and rushed over first.

Soon, everyone came to the sand dunes, and saw a plant of ice jade fire heart fruit swaying in the wind. Under the scorching sun, the three fruits, which seemed to be carved by cold light, looked even more crystal clear.

"Let me try it." Fatty Bai reached out and grabbed the ice jade fire heart fruit.

Although there is no danger found in the Tianfang Diagram, no one dares to be careless, and dare not let Gu Fenghua take a casual action to waste the holy energy--she is the strongest among the crowd, and she needs to resist it in case of danger. , now is definitely not the time to be polite, otherwise you will not only harm yourself, but also others.

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