Luo Enen and the others also guessed what he was thinking, and dispersed him around, raising their vigilance and fully alerting them.

The fat white man held the thin root and tried to pull it out, but there was no response. Then he increased his strength a little, but still there was no response, so he increased his strength...until he exhausted all his strength and swelled His face was flushed red, and he even exerted all his strength to eat milk, but the ice jade fire heart fruit plant was still firmly rooted in the sand.

Sure enough, just like what Xia Qingfan said, this ice jade fire heart fruit looks fragile, but it is actually extremely tough, and its roots go deep into the ground, so it is not something that can be obtained casually.

Fatty Bai didn't waste any more time, concentrating on concentrating the holy energy on his fingertips.

The highly condensed holy energy released a dazzling cold light, like a delicate and sharp knife, piercing the seemingly tender but incomparably tough rhizome of the ice jade fire heart fruit. Only in the realm of the soul sage can the holy energy be condensed to such a degree, and the Ninth Prince who has changed to the realm of the law sage can't do it anyway.

However, even in the Soul Sacred Realm, it is extremely laborious to condense the holy energy like this, and the loss of the holy energy is also great. After a while, a thin layer of sweat oozes from his forehead, and fortunately, the root of the ice jade fire heart fruit also appeared. Make an incision, and it seems that it will be completely cut off in a quarter of an hour at most.

But the more it was like this, the less others dared to be careless. Gu Fenghua still stared intently at the Tianfangtu. The Lornen sword had been unsheathed, and the holy spirit had been raised to the extreme.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a beast roar sounded, and a monster lizard jumped up from the sand, opened its ferocious mouth and rushed towards the fat man.

This devil monitor lizard was three feet long, more than half the size of the ones seen yesterday. Its scales and armor were crimson red, like burning magma, but a golden stripe ran from its forehead to its tail. Obviously, this monster monitor lizard is stronger than those of the same kind yesterday.

The demon king lizard appeared too suddenly, until it was less than three feet away from Gu Fenghua and the others, a red dot appeared on the sky map. Luo Enen and the others were caught off guard, and when they reacted, they turned around and swung their swords, The demon king lizard had already risen into the air and slapped the fat man with its paw.

It's hard to imagine how it can move so quickly and jump so high with such a huge body!

Fortunately, Gu Fenghua has not let down her vigilance all this time. Apart from staring intently at the Tian Fang Tu, her divine thoughts are also distributed around with the power of the phoenix. She has already noticed it as early as the demon king monitor lizard appeared.

"One sword, earth-shattering!" Gu Fenghua also rose into the air, blocking the demon king monitor lizard and the fat white man, and smashed out the long sword wrapped in silk cloth. Seeing yesterday's tragic scene of the fourth-rank soul master being cut into two pieces, Gu Fenghua didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and he didn't hold anything back in his attacks.

"Boom!" Amidst the muffled sound, Gu Fenghua's majestic sword seemed to chop on a piece of pig iron, flying thousands of sparks, and under the huge counter-shock force, she was thrown backwards.

However, under her full-strength sword, the monster lizard also paused in the air, and then fell heavily, stirring up a cloud of flying sand.

"Break the sky, chop the waves!"

"Holy Soul, Tianpo!" Luo Enen and Ye Wuse have the most experience in training, and they have the most tacit cooperation with Gu Fenghua. They reacted first, and at the same time displayed their strongest sword skills, attacking the demon king lizard .

Lin Hanyi followed closely behind, followed by Xie Youran, Ninth Prince and Fang Tianyou.

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