"By the way, other people can watch it if they want, and Enen don't show it to her." Afterwards, Gu Fenghua reminded again.

There's no way, just like Lonen's bad habit of wanting to take two bites when he sees something to eat, it's better to be careful.

"It's okay to look twice?" Lonen pouted aggrievedly.

"Unless you promise not to put it in your mouth." Gu Fenghua said.

Lorn curled his lips, but in the end he still didn't speak. This is really hard to guarantee, alas, the sadness of a foodie.

"No, let's go!" Gu Fenghua looked at Tian Fang Tu, his eyes suddenly focused, and his expression became extremely serious.

Following her line of sight, she saw a dozen red dots moving rapidly. Everyone gradually became familiar with the Tianfang Diagram, and they could see at a glance that it was a small group of demon king monitor lizards approaching them at high speed, and they had already been surrounded indistinctly.

Everyone's complexion changed. It must be known that the eight of them teamed up to repel the monster lizard, and it was only a very lucky repulsion, but they could not kill it. If you were to meet such a group of monster lizards, you could imagine what the outcome would be with your toes.

Without hesitation, Gu Fenghua identified the direction of the Demon King Monitor Lizard, led everyone away quickly, and rushed towards the encircled gap.

Fortunately, they had taken the holy pill in time, and the holy spirit of the few people had recovered a lot. They ran all the way, and they were dozens of miles away in a short time.

After activating the Tianfang Diagram again, they saw that the monster king lizards had already gathered in one place, but they did not continue to chase after them. Everyone heaved a long sigh of relief.

The sacred energy that had been recovered with great difficulty was almost exhausted. As soon as the mind was relaxed, the whole body felt sore and limp, and the legs were as heavy as if they had been filled with lead. Everyone fell to the ground again.

"Get up, it's not time to rest yet." Gu Fenghua's expression did not relax at all, but he shouted eagerly.

"Didn't those demon king lizards not catch up?" Luo Enen said puzzled, but he stood up obediently, but his whole body was on the verge of falling, and he might fall down again at any time.

"Ghost sandstorm!" Gu Fenghua said solemnly.

On the celestial map, whirlwinds are sweeping across the earth in their southeast direction, continuously converging and merging to form a huge storm. Wherever they pass, the stretches of sand dunes seem to be swept by a plow, revealing jagged gaps, and then, Flattened by the gathering storm.

Luo Enen and the others clearly saw that a few red dots disappeared into the sandstorm. That is to say, even the powerful defense of the Demon King Monitor Lizard could not withstand the terrifying power of this ghostly sandstorm!

Seeing the ghostly sandstorm rushing towards them, the slightly pale faces of Luo Enen and the others suddenly became paler due to the excessive consumption of holy energy. Without the slightest hesitation, everyone followed Gu Fenghua and ran in the opposite direction of the Nether Sandstorm.

Their movements were not unpleasant, but the speed of the sandstorm was even faster. After running less than a hundred miles, there was a sound of wind whistling behind them, like the angry roar of ancient giant beasts, or the mournful wail of resentful spirits and wild ghosts.

When I turned my head and looked, I saw the yellow sand billowing, like a torrential wave, sweeping across the earth mercilessly, the dust covered the sky, and the whole world gradually fell into darkness.

"Hurry up, go faster!" Gu Fenghua ran with all his strength with the Ninth Prince in one hand, urging him repeatedly.

Although Lornen and the others were exhausted from getting rid of the monster lizard just now, at this moment, they still stimulated their physical potential to the limit, floating across the soft sand as if Lingbo was stepping, The speed is even a bit faster than before.

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