My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1063 We are friends and companions

It's a pity that manpower is limited after all, but the energy contained in this ghostly sandstorm seems to be endless.

After another hundred miles, Fang Tianyou's speed gradually slowed down. Although his cultivation base is not weak, even stronger than Luo Enen and others, but after all, his strength comes from panacea, not his own penance, and his foundation is far inferior to Luo Enen and others. The will is even more incomparable with them. After a long time, it is inevitable that they will lose their strength.

Gu Fenghua stretched out his hand and grabbed Fang Tianyou's arm, just like this, he took the Ninth Prince with one hand and Fang Tianyou with the other, and continued to run forward.

However, Gu Fenghua only had two hands, so he could only help two people. After a while, when Xie Youran also showed fatigue and started to stagger, she couldn't help at all.

Fortunately, Fatty Bai reached out in time and grabbed Xie Youran's arm.

"Thank you." Xie Youran said gratefully and ashamedly. Speaking of which, his cultivation level was also higher than that of Fatty Bai, but at this time he behaved so badly that not only he couldn't help others, but he had to rely on Fatty Bai's help.

"We are friends and companions." The fat man grinned and threw a piece of jerky into his mouth.

Lin Hanyi was the next one to lose her strength. Although she was extremely strong and didn't want others to be distracted by herself, Gu Fenghua and the others could still tell that her footsteps gradually became vain and her breath became chaotic. Can't last long.

Gu Fenghua winked at Ye Wuse, but before Ye Wuse reached out, Luo Enen grabbed Lin Hanyi's hand and ran forward with her.

Gu Fenghua, Ye Wuse, and Fatty Bai were all surprised. Gu Fenghua still has strength, because her cultivation base is the highest among all the people, and she has studied hard under the supervision of her brothers since she was a child, her foundation is extremely solid, and the exercises she has learned are also unique.

Fatty Bai has spare energy because he has the talent to supplement the holy energy directly with food. Among all the people except Gu Fenghua, his holy energy has always been the most abundant. But as for Luo Enen, no one thought that she would have such stamina.

As expected of Luo Enen, who has the halo of a tiankeng, as expected of Luo Enen, who was born in a small pit but is still alive and kicking, his vitality is really strong.

With the help of Gu Fenghua and the others, Fang Tianyou and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief and followed their pace.

He flew all the way, and soon he was a hundred miles away, but behind him, the sand waves were still rolling, covering the sky and the sun.

After crossing another sand dune, even Gu Fenghua felt a burning sensation in his chest, and his footsteps involuntarily slowed down. Although her strength is indeed the strongest among the crowd, but leading two people forward desperately like this, the consumption of holy energy is far more than that of others, and she still can't support it for a long time.

Suddenly, about a hundred feet away, two figures were desperately running up from the other side of the sand dune, and the direction they were running was the direction from which the ghostly sandstorm came.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua and his party showed surprise.

Although the dune was hundreds of feet high and stretched for tens of miles, and the two were at the bottom of the dune, they couldn't see the ghostly sandstorm on the other side, but they were not deaf, so they couldn't even hear the sound.

After a closer look, they realized what was going on. Behind the two of them, a demon king lizard was chasing after them. The two were obviously scared out of their wits, and they just ran for their lives and didn't hear The whistling sound of the ghost sandstorm, or even if I heard it, I didn't think much about it.

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