My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1064 Terrible Nether Sandstorm

After all, the Nether Sandstorm was not in front of him, but the Demon King Monitor Lizard was right behind him. As long as he moved a little slower, he would die immediately without a place to bury him.

"Don't run anymore, there is a ghost sandstorm behind you!" Luo Enen shouted while pulling Lin Hanyi to continue running wildly.

It's a pity that those two people were only focused on running for their lives, so they couldn't hear what she was saying.

When people are at the critical moment of life and death, they will often burst out with a powerful potential far beyond their cultivation, and these two people are no exception. In just a moment, the two of them are already on the sand dunes, but the next moment, the two of them suddenly stopped, He stopped, with a look of horror on his face.

The billowing sand waves rolled over Shaoqiu, like a gigantic beast opened its mouth, and swallowed towards the two of them in one gulp.

The holy master in the front reacted quite quickly, he swung his sword fiercely, forming a shield of holy energy in front of him, at such a critical moment, he couldn't care less about the monster monitor lizard that was chasing after him.

Five red holy beads flickered between his eyebrows, and this person's cultivation was the same as Gu Fenghua's, reaching the fifth rank of Soul Sage.

It's a pity that in front of the overwhelming ghostly sandstorm, he looked so small, like a drop in the ocean.

Just in the blink of an eye, the holy energy shield he condensed with the fifth-grade pure holy energy of the soul sage shattered, and then, a blood mist burst out. The chaotic sword slashed and slashed, as if being pierced by thousands of arrows, and exploded from it.

The dignified fifth-rank soul sage died instantly like this, and his corpse was broken into pieces!

Although I have seen the horror of the Nether Sandstorm from the Tianfang Map, it is after all a map that has been reduced countless times. Many things are still based on imagination. It was not until they saw it with their own eyes that Gu Fenghua and others knew how terrible the Nether Sandstorm was. Knowing how insignificant one's own cultivation is in the face of such majesty of heaven and earth.

Behind him, another holy master was completely terrified, without even thinking about it, he crushed the trial token.

The space barrier was torn open, and a young saint with a strong figure and a long sword on his back appeared beside him. Seeing the ghostly sandstorm in front of him, even this saint's expression became extremely stern. He grabbed the holy master who was asking for help with one hand, and swiped across in front of him with the other. The light patterns flickered, forming a huge defensive mask, covering the two of them.

"Ka, Ka..." But after only holding on for a few breaths, the defensive mask shattered like glass and turned into a phantom under the supreme power of the Nether Sandstorm.

Fortunately, the moment the mask was completely shattered, the figures of the two disappeared without a trace, and escaped from the Nether Sand Sea.

Layers of undulating sandstorms spread over the sand dunes, and the devil monitor lizard finally sensed that something was wrong, turned around and fled towards the bottom of the sand dunes. Unfortunately, its movements were still a beat slow after all, and it only ran less than ten feet away, rolling like The sandstorm of the waves completely submerged it.

A desolate and helpless beast roar sounded, and immediately after that, a cloud of blood mist erupted in the vast sand and dust. Undoubtedly, this demon king lizard was also smashed to pieces like the previous holy master, without a whole body.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua and others didn't dare to stay, they forced their holy energy to speed up and fled forward. Not long after, a few people climbed another sand dune. Looking back, they saw sand waves rolling forward on the flat ground, while the previous sand dune, which was hundreds of feet high and stretched for tens of miles, had been razed to the ground. The terrifying power contained in it was once again unreservedly presented in front of their eyes.

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