My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1071 Unable to answer the question

Before he knew it, the trial had passed for a month.

"Success!" Fang Tianyou held up a Bingyu Fireheart Grass and cheered.

After this month's baptism of wind and sand, his face has completely lost the previous arrogance, his rough skin revealed a dark color, and his whole body looks vigorous and powerful, and he has truly matured.

"I got it too." The Ninth Prince also held up a Bingyu Martian Grass.

In comparison, his growth was faster than Fang Tianyou's. After all, he was the youngest and the weakest. This kind of experience helped him grow the most. In just one month, his cultivation base was promoted to another level, reaching the eighth rank of Dharma Saint, and his face no longer had much childishness, and he looked even more handsome and extraordinary.

"Put it away, and leave quickly." Gu Fenghua looked at the Tianfang Diagram, got up quickly and said.

After a month of practice, their experience has become more and more abundant, and they have already figured out that the demon king monitor lizard has a strong sense of territory. Usually there is only one demon king monitor lizard guarding the ice jade fire heart grass, and its strength is very strong. It is far superior to ordinary ones of the same kind, but the strongest point of the Demon King Monitor Lizard is not in attack, but in defense. With the blessing of the supernatural powers of the monsters, their defenses are even stronger, and ordinary long swords cannot withstand the powerful counter-shock force at all.

But for Gu Fenghua and others, this is not a bad thing. You must know that their cultivation base is not weak, and all the long swords in their hands are one of the top ten famous swords in the world, or their quality is comparable. Strong defenses and supernatural powers were unable to break the long swords in their hands.

Hand in hand side by side again and again, their cooperation has become more and more tacit. Under their joint siege, those demon king lizards guarding the ice jade fire heart grass can't hold on for too long, they will run away, bad luck , and was even severely injured by them on the spot.

The only thing they have to pay attention to is the other monster monitor lizards that came later, but with the Tianfangtu, it is not difficult, as long as they get away quickly, those monster monitor lizards will not chase too far away.

Of course, you have to be careful of the Nether Sandstorm in the meantime. But after a long time, they discovered that every time the ghostly sandstorm appeared, there were actually traces to follow. The powerful and terrifying sandstorm was originally formed by the gathering of some small sand whirlpools. It can be detected early and avoided as soon as possible.

After figuring this out, Gu Fenghua was a little puzzled again. Could it be that his previous guess was just a false alarm—this ghost sandstorm was not controlled by humans? So, what happened to the painful roar in my mind?

Of course, Gu Fenghua couldn't find the answer to this question at this time.

Fortunately, no matter what, they survived this month's trial. Not only did they survive, but each of them collected a few plants of Ice Jade and Fire Heart Grass.

Although there are not many of them, they are already very satisfied. After all, they have the celestial map, if not relying on this magic weapon, they would not be able to make it to where they are today. One can imagine what will happen to those saints who do not have the celestial map , perhaps, many people have left the Nether Sand Sea helplessly.

Gu Fenghua's guess was right. At this time, the number of people who quit the trial and left the Nether Sand Sea has reached as many as a thousand, and the number of people who lost their lives in the Sand Sea is also quite large. After all, who would They will not easily give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so the number of people who died in the Nether Sand Sea and those who choose to give up are exactly the same.

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