My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1072 Something is wrong with this trial

"It's only been a month, how come the number of people has decreased by half?" Outside the Nether Sand Sea, a middle-aged man said with a frown.

There were more than two hundred Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass plants in front of him, many people rescued them, but only so few Bing Jade Fire Heart Grass were handed over, which really disappointed him.

"Brother, there is something wrong with this trial. Whether it's the Nether Sandstorm or the Demon King Monitor Lizard, they seem to be much stronger than the records." Xia Qingfan said with a serious expression.

According to previous estimates, although this trial in the Nether Sand Sea is a bit risky, it will not lose half of the manpower in the first month, but in fact, so far, Xia Qingfan has personally rescued more than one trial person There were nearly a hundred people, completely beyond their expectations.

"I've also noticed that this Nether Sand Sea seems to be more dangerous than the records, but the trial has already begun, so we can't just stop halfway like this. Besides, this space barrier can only be opened once every five thousand years, but the ice jade fire heart fruit and It is only here that it can grow in large quantities, and it would be a pity to give up like this," said the middle-aged man.

"But letting those people continue to risk their lives, isn't it too cruel?" Xia Qingfan said a little bit impatiently.

"The way of cultivation is inherently dangerous and bumpy. If you want to embark on the path of the real strong, how can you not take some risks? Qingfan, your heart is still too soft. Remember my words, if you want to become a real strong If you want to, you must have a heart like a rock!" said the middle-aged man.

"It's senior brother, I remember." Xia Qingfan nodded and said. He also knew that now was not the time to act emotionally. With that effort, it would be more realistic to restore the holy spirit as soon as possible, to raise the spirit and save a few more people.

Gu Fenghua's figure inexplicably appeared in his heart. I don't know how many people can persevere to the end of this trial, and whether Gu Fenghua and her interesting friends will be among them. In his heart, there is some faint worry, but also some faint expectation.


After putting away the Ice Jade Fireheart Grass just collected, Gu Fenghua and others left in a hurry, accelerated their pace and continued walking towards the depths of the sand sea.

On the celestial square map, more than a dozen red dots are following, but Gu Fenghua and others are not worried at all. According to experience, at most one more hour, these demon king monitor lizards will choose to give up.

"Beautiful man, what's for dinner?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat beggar's chicken in lotus leaf."

"Please Miss Luo, this is a desert, where do you get the lotus leaves?"

"Why don't you eat iced lotus seed porridge!"

"Master Fang, I also want to drink some iced lotus seed porridge to cool off the heat, why don't you find some ice and snow for me!"

While walking like flying, everyone chatted easily, chatting with Fatty Bai is of course inseparable from eating words. However, regarding the taste preferences of Miss Luo and Master Fang, Fatty Bai was helpless with black lines all over his face. Are you really tired of eating delicious food, and try to give people difficult problems.

"How about eating barbecue." Xie Youran interrupted.

"Okay, barbecue." Fatty Bai and the others looked at Gu Fenghua at the same time, their eyes full of expectation. Of course there is no doubt about Miss Gu's barbecue skills, but it's a pity that she is rarely allowed to do it herself.

"Okay, let's have barbecue tonight." Gu Fenghua did not disappoint them, and readily agreed. I was lucky today, I found two Bingyu Fireheart Grass, just in time to celebrate.

"Okay, okay, I'm in charge of lighting the fire." Fang Tianyou said excitedly.

"I'm in charge of taking care of the ingredients." Xie Youran said.

"I'm in charge of helping Fenghua." Ninth Prince said.

"I'm in charge of eating," Lornen said.

The surroundings were silent at the same time, and everyone cast their disdainful eyes over.

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