My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1073 You go quickly and leave me alone

Just when the group was in high spirits and full of anticipation for the upcoming dinner, seven or eight holy masters approached in the distance ahead.

Gu Fenghua and the others were startled at the same time, and subconsciously slowed down their pace.

In the month since the trial began, this was the first time they had seen other people except for the few holy masters they had met at the beginning. It stands to reason that they are also from Tianji Continent, so they can be regarded as fellow villagers meeting fellow villagers, but, including Gu Fenghua, none of them showed the tearful joy of fellow villagers seeing fellow villagers, only a solemn expression.

A monster monitor lizard followed closely behind those holy masters, with golden patterns shining on its body, and it was bigger than any monster monitor lizard Gu Fenghua and others had ever seen.

Those holy masters were all disheveled. Judging from their running movements, almost all of them were injured. It was obvious that they had already fought fiercely with this demon king lizard, but the results were not good.

It can be seen that these people's cultivation base is not weak, but at this time they are injured, how can they run past the monster monitor lizard? Chase closer.

A young holy master who fell at the back suddenly stopped, drew his sword and turned around. It seemed that he knew that he could not escape and was ready to fight to the death.

"English!" Noticing his actions, several other saints exclaimed in unison.

"Senior Brother, go quickly and leave me alone." The young Saint Master shouted with a determined face, and then slashed at the Demon King Lizard with a sword.

"Clang!" The icy-cold sword edge that was floating in the air fell on the body of the Demon King Monitor Lizard, splashing a spark, as if it had cut a piece of pig iron, and made a clear and crisp sound.

To the surprise of Gu Fenghua and others, the long sword in the young saint master's hand was broken. Could it be that the long sword in his hand is also of extraordinary quality, not under the top ten famous swords in the world?

Immediately afterwards, the young saint master twisted his wrist, and the blade of the sword drew a beautiful arc, and fell on the body of the monster lizard again.

This time, Gu Fenghua and others finally understood what was going on. Although the quality of the long sword held by this young saint master is good, it is far from being able to compare with the top ten famous swords in the world. Potential recovery, to avoid the powerful force of the shock.

"Smart!" Gu Fenghua and the others secretly praised. Facing the terrifying supernatural powers of the giant lizard king, unless they have the same magic weapon as them, only relying on such sword skills can they barely deal with it.

However, although the sword skills are good and the shots are considered clever, the cultivation of this young saint is still a little too weak. He has just reached the first rank of Soul Sage, so how can he block this ferocious demon king lizard.

After only two sword strikes, the monster giant lizard suddenly raised its sharp front paws, and swept him away with the sword. Before his body fell to the ground, the Demon King Lizard let out a roar, jumped forward in the air, and opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth to bite down.

"Be careful!" Gu Fenghua and the others couldn't help exclaiming.

Although they come from various temples in the mainland and are strangers to each other, no one wants to see their own kind die tragically at the mouth of monsters.

At the same time as they exclaimed, the companion of the young saint teacher suddenly turned around and rushed towards him at the same time.

The swords of six of them landed on the Demon King Monitor Lizard at the same time. Although it could not be cut, the huge body was still violently beaten. Taking this opportunity, the eighth person killed the young saint teacher. He hugged it by the waist and rolled on the spot, avoiding the deadly claw of the Demon King Monitor Lizard.

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