My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1075 Make them feel the same

Almost at the same time as Gu Fenghua made a move, seven sword lights flickered, and Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others also drew their swords out of their sheaths at the same time.

They were equally moved by what happened before their eyes. They could all see that the reason why the young holy master stayed at the beginning was because he was the weakest and the last one. He knew that he had no chance of surviving, so he fought to the death. He had the opportunity to escape, but he still stayed, just to give his companions a chance to survive.

If it wasn't because they didn't get Gu Fenghua's order and knew that their impulsiveness might hurt their companions, they would have made a move a long time ago. Seeing Gu Fenghua take the lead, how could they have hesitated at all.

Eight sword beams fell on the Demon King Monitor Lizard at the same time. Different from the ingenious sword skills of those holy masters on the opposite side, Gu Fenghua and others did not hold back this sword, they did their best, and tried their best to exert the power of the sword to the extreme!

The demon king lizard was shocked, and fear appeared in its eyes. Dashes of green light flowed, and the hard armor became as hard as fine iron.

"Clang!" The huge crisp sound almost shattered people's eardrums. A piece of green light exploded violently, and the Demon King Monitor Lizard was blown out of the way, and its huge body swept away a piece of yellow sand.

Gu Fenghua and the others were also shocked to take a few steps back, but the long sword in their hands was unscathed.

The black-haired young man looked at Gu Fenghua and the others in surprise. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect someone to save him, let alone her!

The other saints also stopped at the same time, looking at Gu Fenghua and the others in disbelief. Gu Fenghua and the others were not surprised by the holy beads that flashed between the eyebrows of Gu Fenghua and others. Most of those who can participate in the Promise Trial are soul saints and above. Exercising and displaying the cultivation base of the sixth rank of soul saints will not surprise them too much.

What really surprised them was the long swords in their hands. What kind of magic weapon would it take to withstand the powerful counter-shock force brought by the supernatural powers of the demon king monitor lizard?

To put it bluntly, they all had high hopes for participating in the trial this time, and all the long swords they held were made by famous craftsmen with extraordinary quality, and some of them had even been passed down for thousands of years.

When he first met the Demon King Monitor Lizard, one of his companions relied on the strength of his sword and tried to confront him head-on, but he didn't know that with just one move, the sword smashed people to death, and there was no place for him to die. Since then, no one has dared to confront the Demon King Monitor Lizard head-to-head, and can only deal with it with skill.

It is also for this reason that they are more aware of the amazing quality of the long swords held by Gu Fenghua and others.

"Roar!" The monster lizard roared angrily, shook its huge head, and rushed towards Gu Fenghua and others.

Compared with the Demon King monitor lizard encountered before, this one is not only bigger in size, stronger in strength, but also more ferocious. The sword that Gu Fenghua and others slashed earlier, not only failed to scare it back, but also aroused the bloodthirsty ferocity hidden in its blood.

This is not the first time that Gu Fenghua and others have fought against the Demon King Lizard. They have long been connected with each other. nothing left.

To the surprise of Gu Fenghua and others, it was the best chance for those saints to escape if they blocked the monster monitor lizard, but after a brief surprise, instead of running away, they turned around and came. Siege towards the Demon King monitor lizard.

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