There are a lot of ungrateful people in this world, and there are not a few who even repay their kindness with hatred, so even if they choose to leave at this time, Gu Fenghua will not resent them.

After all, the quality of the long swords in their hands is limited, and they have no advantage at all in the face of monsters with terrifyingly strong defenses like the Demon King Monitor Lizard. Moreover, everyone is injured, so staying may not be of much help.

However, they stayed after all, neither ungrateful nor revengeful, which also made Gu Fenghua and others feel good about them.

"Kill!" Amidst the roar, more than a dozen sword lights criss-crossed, like a huge sword net, and fell on the body of the demon king monitor lizard.

The huge body of the monster lizard was shaken back a few steps again, its eyes glistened with blood, it raised its head and roared violently, its sharp teeth criss-crossed, making it look even more ferocious.

If it were someone with a weak heart, as long as they saw this ferocious state, their legs would probably go weak with fright, but if they could persist in the Nether Sand Sea for a month, who wouldn't hone their hearts like a rock.

Facing the demon king lizard that showed its ferocious appearance, everyone could not see the slightest bit of fear in their eyes, and amidst the shouts of killing, another piece of sword light fell down.

In just a short moment, everyone chopped out more than ten swords.

That devil giant lizard is very powerful, but its strongest is not its attack, but its indestructible defense, and its terrifying supernatural powers. However, in the face of the magic weapon in the hands of Gu Fenghua and others, its supernatural power Supernatural powers are not very powerful.

Under the joint siege of everyone, cracks appeared in the scale armor on its body, which was like fine iron, and powerful holy energy penetrated through the scale armor, shaking the inner organs, and its eyes finally showed fear.

With a flick of its long tail, the Demon King Monitor Lizard turned and fled.

At this moment, a green vine suddenly emerged from the yellow sand, tightly entwining its hind legs. The Demon King Monitor Lizard was completely defenseless, and its body slammed. At the same time, a black cub appeared out of nowhere, and a bear paw slapped it hard on the head.

The monster king lizard lowered its head, and its whole body fell into the sand, but was blinded by the slap of the little bear cub.

In these days of trials, the two brats had many chances to make a move, but almost every time they were chased by the monster giant lizard, they were really suffocated, and they used all their strength to make a move this time.

"One sword, shocking!"

"Beidou, Batian!"

"Duan Kong, Zhan Lang!"

"Piaoyun, Jianxin!"

"Fengyun, Qianzhong!"


With the increasingly perfect cooperation of Gu Fenghua and others, how could they miss such a great opportunity, everyone flew up at the same time, and slashed out their strongest sword.

"Suddenly!" A cold light suddenly appeared, and eight sword beams were cut out from all directions, but finally converged on the golden pattern on the back of the demon king monitor lizard, as if the sword beams were cut out by one person.

This sword is so radiant and powerful, it far surpasses the real cultivation of Gu Fenghua and others, even the ordinary strong people in the Xuansheng realm would never think of cutting such a sword.

Although the other holy masters also seized the opportunity to strike in time, their cooperation was far inferior to Gu Fenghua and others' tacit understanding. The sword lights were uneven, and their power was far from comparable to the natural joint sword of Gu Fenghua and the others. .

"Crack", there was a cracking sound from the Demon King Monitor Lizard's body, and the golden pattern actually split from it, oozing bright red blood, looking at the momentum, it was about to split the Demon King Monitor Lizard from it.

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