My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1079 Are you trying to take revenge on me?

Gu Fenghua was the first to think of Su Muyun. What happened in the Xinghua Temple seems to be inextricably related to her, and apart from her, Gu Fenghua can't think of anyone who can cure Luo Changfeng.

Originally, the martial arts and sword skills she had learned were different. According to Feng Lao, even in Wuji Holy Heaven, she could not find a comparable martial arts and sword skills. After the operation, she has a better understanding of the meridians of the human body. If she intends to abolish a person, how can it be so easy to cure?

After much deliberation, Su Muyun was the most likely.

However, Gu Fenghua didn't know anything about Su Muyun's origin so far, and he also knew that with his own strength, he couldn't find her bad luck for the time being, so he didn't spend much time thinking about it.

"You came to Nether Sand Sea this time to avenge me?" Gu Fenghua asked straightforwardly.

It's not that she is arrogant, but that in Luo Changfeng's eyes, she clearly sees some gratitude from the heart, but at the same time, she also sees resentment that is difficult to resolve. Of course she guessed so.

Luo Changfeng didn't answer, but the eyes of the other holy masters showed helplessness.

They are not Guanghua Sacred Cultivators, the older ones have left the Guanghua Temple many years ago to travel around the world, and the younger two were only recently selected to go to the Temple to practice and experience, so they have no old grudges with Gu Fenghua, But no matter what, Luo Changfeng and Feng Qingyue are both their fellow students.

Luo Changfeng is okay, after all, his injury has healed, and he will not mention the past, but Feng Qingyue is completely useless, and now he can only walk with two crutches, every time he sees the vicissitudes of life on his face And sadness, they can't help but feel the same hatred and hatred.

This time I came to Nether Sand Sea, one is to participate in the trial, and the other is to find an opportunity to help Luo Changfeng and help Feng Qingyue avenge his blood.

Who knew that this Nether Sand Sea was so dangerous, Gu Fenghua saved their lives before they could take revenge. Don't talk about the awe of Gu Fenghua, just talk about this life-saving grace, they will never make a move.

Of course, after seeing the strength of Gu Fenghua and others, they also know very well that even if they make a move, it is purely courting death!

On the sand dunes not far away, streaks of yellow sand suddenly rolled up, and a group of black shadows rushed down.

Gu Fenghua and the others were taken aback, and they didn't care about revenge or not, and hurriedly retreated towards the other side of the sand dune. However, in the battle just now, except for Gu Fenghua, everyone else was seriously injured. They had just taken the Holy Healing Pill, and the medicine hadn't even been fully refined, so how could they get out.

Soon, they were blocked from retreating and surrounded in the middle.

Until then, Gu Fenghua and the others could clearly see that it was not the Demon King Monitor Lizard who came, but hundreds of saints. Looking at the clothes, these saints obviously came from different countries and temples.

"Who are you?" Gu Fenghua asked in a deep voice. Although it wasn't the monster lizard that came, she was even more vigilant. In many cases, humans of the same kind are actually more cruel and terrifying than monsters.

"Stop talking nonsense, obediently hand over the Ice Jade and Fire Heart Grass, and get the hell out of here!" the leading black-clothed Saint Master roared loudly.

This holy master was about thirty years old, with a huge sword on his back, a burly figure, a fleshy face, and an extremely fierce expression.

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