My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1080 The man who is famous all over the world

Gu Fenghua's heart sank. Sure enough, as she expected, at the later stage of the trial, the holy masters from all the major temples in various countries would draw their swords to fight for the Bingyu Fireheart Grass, but she did not expect that all this would come soon So fast, the trial has only started for a month, and there are still two months before the end, and someone has already started to do it.

"Hand over the Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass, or you will be torn to pieces." Someone in the crowd shouted.

There was blood red in their eyes, and they were even more hostile than the Demon King Lizard.

The one-month trial sharpened their resolve, and the repeated fights for the Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass inspired their violence and ferocity hidden deep in their blood.

"They're all mainland saints, why are they so cruel? If a man kills him, he'll kill them. There's no need for these cute little girls to yell and kill them. It's better to stay with us to enjoy the moon and discuss poetry and talk about love and romance. Some people also said with a smile on Mimi.

As soon as the words fell, there was a strange laughter all around, and an evil fire flashed in the eyes that were originally full of hostility.

It seems that when swimming on the edge of life and death again and again, what is stimulated is not only violence and fierceness, but also evil thoughts.

Gu Fenghua frowned, surrounded by hundreds of holy masters, all of them were masters at first, and now they became even more rebellious. It is not easy to subdue them. How could a saint master with a burly figure and a cruel face have such appealing power? Looking at the fleshy face on his face, Gu Fenghua was a little suspicious?

"Hurry up, hand over the ice jade and fire heart grass on your body, and I will let you live!" Not allowing Gu Fenghua to think too much, the leading holy master had already pulled out the giant sword behind his back.

The sword was half a zhang long and two inches wide. It looked like an axe at first glance. It was obviously extremely heavy, but it was as light as nothing in his hand.

"Choke..." Luo Enen and the others also pulled out their long swords at the same time. Although the other party has a large number of people, how could she give in easily.

"Wait, Brother Qin." At this moment, a holy master hurried forward and whispered something to the holy master.

"Hahahaha, it turns out that she is Gu Fenghua. It is a bit capable to scare Xu Chengye away, but Xu Chengye has a lot of strength, but in fact he is as timid as a mouse. How can he be compared with me, Qin Kuangge? He was not the same when he fought against me back then. I was so frightened that I ran away, I didn't even have the courage to draw my sword!" After hearing his words, the holy master laughed wildly.

It turned out that he was also like Luo Changfeng and his companions, because he came a bit late, he didn't know Gu Fenghua, and he had never seen them abuse Tang Junhou to their heart's content. Tell him to remind him not to be careless.

But it was obvious that he didn't take Xu Chengye seriously at all, and therefore he didn't take Gu Fenghua seriously.

"Qin Kuangge!" Gu Fenghua and the others were slightly startled.

Qin Kuangge, who was born in the Eastern Xia Empire, is said to have reached the Soul Sacred Realm at the age of sixteen. Although he has traveled the world alone since then, and has never been heard from since then, many people still regard him as the one who came out of the Tianji Continent every ten thousand years. the Wizards. And because of this, he became famous all over the world. Although the Eastern Xia Empire is a million miles away from Xinghua, even Gu Fenghua and others have heard of his name.

No wonder these unruly elite saints are tamed by him, so he is Qin Kuangge!

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