My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1088 How dare they make a move easily

Sensing the actions of Gu Fenghua and others, that person didn't stop, and he carried Lu Zixuan on his back with his backhand.

"Despicable!" Lorn scolded fiercely.

The other party obviously used Lu Zixuan as a shield. If they made a move, Lu Zixuan would be the first to die, so how could they dare to take it lightly.

"Stop him!" Gu Fenghua took a deep breath, quickened his pace, and rushed towards the front of the man.

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai understood, and surrounded them from both sides. Apart from Gu Fenghua, Ye Wuse's sword skills are the most exquisite among the crowd. Although Xie Youran, Fang Tianyou, and Lin Hanyi are not weak in strength, when it comes to speed, Luo Enen is the fastest, and Sheng The one with the most energy is the fat white man.

Knowing their disadvantages, Ye Wuse, Xie Youran and the others did not cooperate with Gu Fenghua in outflanking him, but chased after him closely, biting on the man's back, ready to strike at any time.

The seven figures, like a diamond-shaped arrow, were getting closer and closer to that person.

Sensing the intentions of Gu Fenghua and others, that person exerted force on his feet and accelerated his speed again.

Everyone had already clenched their sword hilts and started accumulating holy energy. They only waited for Gu Fenghua and Fatty Luoenenbai to stop their opponents and immediately waited for an opportunity to strike. Who knew that in a blink of an eye, they were left far behind by the opponents.

"Damn it!" Lorn cursed through gritted teeth.

"Don't get distracted, keep chasing!" Gu Fenghua said in a deep voice.

Although this person's attack was extremely sudden, he chose Lu Zixuan, who was the weakest among them, as soon as he made the attack. It was obviously premeditated. It would be abnormal if he stopped the opponent so easily.

But judging from the situation, he probably didn't have the intention of hurting Lu Zixuan, at least for now, he wouldn't kill him, as long as he kept following him, there was always a chance to save someone.

That person took more people with him, and it would be fine if it was normal, but running at full speed, the consumption of holy energy would undoubtedly far exceed that of Gu Fenghua and the others. Even a straw can crush a camel, let alone a living person.

Gradually, the distance between the two sides gradually shortened.

Gu Fenghua winked at Luo Enen and Fatty Bai, and they were all ready to rush to stop each other with all their strength.

At this moment, the figure in front suddenly disappeared.

Gu Fenghua and the others were taken aback, and they didn't have time to think about it, so they rushed up with all their strength, and just arrived at the place where the man disappeared, they felt their feet were empty, and their bodies also fell down suddenly.

Only then did they realize that there was a huge bunker ahead. Although their cultivation level reached their level, it would not be difficult for them to swipe through the air for a short time, but when they ran into such a bunker suddenly while running with all their strength, they still panicked and almost rolled over.

Although several people stabilized their figures quickly, they still had to wait for a while. When they looked up again, the black shadow in front of them had already passed along the sandy slope, and they reached Baizhang in a blink of an eye. open. Obviously, this person has known about the existence of this bunker for a long time, and has not been affected in the slightest.

Seeing that person fleeing farther and farther, Gu Fenghua and others had no time to think about it, so they could only continue to catch up.

A series of figures flew under the moonlight, like shooting stars.

That person obviously knows the topography of this ghostly sand sea very well. Every time Gu Fenghua and the others chase him, he will use the advantage of the location to get out and quickly open the distance, and Gu Fenghua and the others are accidentally forced to panic , even close at hand several times, but still let him get away calmly.

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