My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1089 As long as you abolish your cultivation

"You don't want to be ashamed, if you're a man, stop and fight us!" Lonen yelled angrily while chasing him.

Let alone her, even Fatty Bai and the others were so angry that they wanted to scold their mothers.

"Wait, something's wrong?" Gu Fenghua suddenly slowed down.

"What's wrong?" Lonen glared at the man in front again, and then retracted his gaze angrily, and asked.

"Don't you think the Nether Sand Sea is too quiet tonight?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Luo Enen and the others were startled when they heard the words, and then they suddenly realized that, before they knew it, they had been chasing for several hours, and a ray of dawn had already appeared in the sky. Running all the way, they should have chased thousands of miles away, but they didn't see any demon king lizard, and they didn't see any sign of ghost sandstorm.

Although the Nether Sand Sea is sometimes quiet, it is absolutely impossible that there will be no disturbance within a thousand miles.

"If I'm not wrong, he's been leading us around in circles." Gu Fenghua said solemnly. This is also the only explanation. Unless they have been circling the same place, it is impossible for them to cross thousands of miles of sand and still be so calm.

"Then, shall we continue to chase?" Lonen asked in confusion.

After thinking about it for a while, she also knew that Gu Fenghua's guess was not wrong. Since the other party intentionally led them around in circles, his real target was definitely not Lu Zixuan, but just used him as a bait. If he continued to chase like this, wouldn't he fall into his trick? But Lu Zixuan was still in his hands after all, so he couldn't just give up like this.

She didn't struggle for too long, because the next moment, the person in front had already stopped.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua and the others didn't bother to think too much, they quickly stepped forward and surrounded him, pointing their murderous long swords at his vitals.

It wasn't until this moment that they finally saw each other's whole picture, but his whole body was covered by a black cloak, and he still couldn't see his face clearly, only the sarcasm in his eyes.

"You finally understand." She slowly loosened her cloak, revealing a red skirt. Her voice was clear and sweet, but like her gaze, it was also full of irony.

"Su Muyun!" Gu Fenghua had always guessed that the person who came was related to Lu Aochen, or that Lu Aochen himself made the move, but he never thought that it was Su Muyun who came.

"Gu Fenghua, I didn't expect that." Su Muyun said proudly.

Although when I saw Gu Fenghua for the first time, she had just stepped into the realm of the soul sage, and her strength was a far cry from her own, but I don't know when Su Muyun had treated Gu Fenghua equally. Looking at him, seeing him as a great enemy in her life, seeing the surprise in Gu Fenghua's eyes, she was actually a little inexplicably happy.

"What do you want to do?" Gu Fenghua was not in the mood to talk nonsense to her, and asked straight to the point.

"As long as you abolish your cultivation, I will spare your life and his life, otherwise, all of you will die!" Su Muyun's face turned cold, and he pressed his finger on Lu Zixuan's heart.

Although those fingers were so soft and tender, everyone knew that the strong holy energy contained in them was definitely not something that Lu Zixuan could stop at this time.

"You think we are stupid, if you are willing to let them go if I abolish my cultivation base, why do you have to spend so much effort? If I guess correctly, you have already placed restrictions around these four weeks, even if we crush the trial The token, you probably can't escape, what you want is not only my life, but the lives of all of us!" Gu Fenghua looked at Su Muyun like an idiot.

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