My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1105 I feel that she is very close

"Thank you." Gu Fenghua nodded solemnly. In my heart, I thought of the mysterious power of divine sense again. The danger that Su Muyun said must have something to do with it.

Although she has already knocked back the power of the divine sense twice, you must know that the power of the divine sense is only hidden in the ghostly sandstorm, and it is not far away from its real body. Then, its real body should have How strong?

"Let's go, so I can take care of myself." Su Muyun waved his hand, turned and left.

"Wait." Lorn suddenly shouted.

Su Muyun stopped, looked back, and saw Luo Enen and Fang Tianyou wrapped up the other freshly roasted pheasants and hares, and ran over quickly.

"You save these to eat on the way, and, thank you earlier, if it wasn't for you, we would definitely be dead." Luo Enen didn't care whether others accepted it or not, and directly stuffed the wrapped roast chicken and roast rabbit into Su Muyun hands.

Although all the troubles were caused by Su Muyun, one yard counts for one yard, and it was thanks to her at the critical moment that they escaped. Miss Luo still has a clear grievance.

"I was rude about the previous incident. I didn't mean it, but I suddenly lost my mind. I hope you can forgive me." Fang Tianyou said with a red face.

Just now he had heard about the embarrassing things he had done during his illness, and he was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it. While he was full of apologies to Su Muyun, he was also full of gratitude—it was also fortunate that Su Muyun knew that he was intermittently insane and didn't have the same knowledge as himself. Otherwise, he would have been slapped to death by her.

But he didn't know that Su Muyun wanted to kill him with a slap, let alone a slap, but he couldn't do it. But in the end when he slapped him away with the palm, she was indeed merciful. As for the reason, even she herself didn't know the reason.

"By the way, I'll give this to you as my apology." After speaking, Fang Tianyou blushed again and took out a pendant and handed it to Su Muyun.

"What's this?" Although Su Muyun didn't want to argue with Fang Tianyou any more, he still felt sullen when he thought of the previous incident, and asked with a straight face.

This pendant was carved from a piece of jade. Jade is not a good jade, and the carving is also extremely rough. It can only be vaguely seen that it is two villains cuddling close together.

"This is an amulet. My sister made it herself. It can keep you safe." Fang Tianyou looked at Su Muyun expectantly.

Su Muyun wanted to refuse at first, but seeing Fang Tianyou's expectant eyes, for some reason, her heart felt a little inexplicably sour. She didn't want Gu Fenghua and others to see the weak side of her heart, so she simply accepted it. The jade pendant floated away.

"Why did you give away such a precious gift?" Looking at Su Muyun's disappearing figure, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and the others looked puzzled.

Fang Tianyou has an older sister who was separated since childhood. Because the siblings were too close, Fang Tianyou was so sad that he lost his mind. After being cured, he suffered from prosopagnosia. They all knew about it.

Of course, it is conceivable how important this talisman carved by her sister is to Fang Tianyou, so they couldn't figure it out, why did he just give it to Su Muyun so casually?

"I don't know, but I think she is very close." Fang Tianyou scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

Seeing Su Muyun fell to the ground seriously injured earlier, his heart was pierced for a moment, as if he had returned to the days when his sister disappeared, so he gave the amulet to his sister on a whim. But he didn't regret it, he just felt calm in his heart.

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