"Let's go back. I've given away the freshly cooked barbecue. It's going to be hard work again." Luo Enen and the others were equally calm.

Although they hated Su Muyun to death before, and if there were no accidents, they would still be enemies one day sooner or later, but at least at this moment, they were friends. It's actually a good feeling to be friends with such a guy.

In the night, Su Muyun stood under a sand dune, looking at the faint fire in the distance, tore another piece of rabbit meat and put it in his mouth, squinting his eyes, with a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth: Be friends with these guys , it actually feels pretty good...

In the dead of night, everyone else went back to their tents to rest. Gu Fenghua sat beside the bonfire, looking through the swaying firelight, looking into the depths of the dark sea of ​​sand. In his mind, he recalled the power of divine thoughts from before.

If she hadn't acted in time and happened to have the power of the phoenix, Su Muyun might have been invaded by that power of divine sense, and then swallowed by it. In this way, the divine sense is hidden in the ghost sandstorm, is it to devour the divine sense of the holy master when they die?

The more Gu Fenghua thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was extremely high. She was almost certain that even if the ghostly sandstorm was not controlled by that divine sense, it had something to do with it.

After all, the nether sandstorm was originally composed of some tiny sand swirls. If one had enough understanding of this nether sand sea, as long as one manipulated those sand swirls, one could roughly control the direction of the nether sandstorm.

However, even if it's just using the divine mind to control Shaxuan, the strength of his real body is still unimaginable.

"Do you want to continue?" Gu Fenghua looked into the depths of the Nether Sand Sea, hesitating a little.

Relying on the Tian Fang Diagram, they survived the one-month trial without any risk. Each of them picked a few plants of Bingyu Fire Heart Grass. lucky. Those who do not have the guidance of the Tian Fang Diagram, even if they can persist until now, it is probably God's blessing to pick a Binghuo Jade Heart.

Calculated in this way, even if they don't take any more risks in the future and hide honestly until the end of the trial, they can pass the assessment and go to the Promise Heaven.

But Gu Fenghua knew that things were not that simple. The saint masters who have been able to persevere until now are all elites among the elites. They are not only higher in cultivation, but also smarter, more mature and calm. After seeing the dangers of the Nether Sand Sea, they will definitely form their own teams. Then, their chances of getting the Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass will be greatly increased.

And the cruelty of the trial will gradually emerge. In order to compete for the Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass and get the fifty places to go to the Promise Holy Heaven, they will definitely fight each other, and even fight to the death—the weak eat the strong, it is heaven and earth in the first place The most fundamental law of survival.

Then in the end, the Bingyu Fireheart Grass will definitely be concentrated in the hands of a few people. Even if each person only picks one plant on average, there will be as many as thousands of plants gathered together, and then divided equally among fifty people, it is still not them. The few plants of Ice Jade Fire Heart Grass in hand are comparable, if the trial is interrupted right now and find a place to hide until the end, it is impossible to squeeze into the top fifty.

In other words, if they want to pass the trial, they must continue to go deep into the Nether Sand Sea. According to her experience these days, the closer to the depths of the sand sea, the greater the chance of finding the Ice Jade Fireheart Grass. This is their only hope.

"Fenghua, go and rest." At this time, Luo Enen and Fatty Bai walked out of the tent respectively and said to Gu Fenghua.

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