"Stop!" Gu Fenghua shouted coldly, standing in front of them. Luo Enen and the others also stood by her side. The girl's weakness and helplessness made them feel deeply sympathetic, and they naturally wanted to protect her, and they never wanted to see her being bullied.

"Hand her over and spare you!" The other party shouted in unison.

These people were about twenty-three or twenty-four years old, not very old, but their expressions were extremely fierce. This is not surprising, after these days of life and death fights, even Fang Tianyou's face has a bit more murderous look, let alone others.

"Who are you?" Gu Fenghua asked calmly.

Hearing the other party's yelling, she suddenly understood why the other party laughed wildly when she met Ouyang Yuanming last time. From Ouyang Yuanming's point of view, how similar was he at that time to the three young saints who spoke wild words in front of him? The only difference is that the combination of myself, Luo Enen and others does have the strength to instantly kill Ouyang Yuanming, but the other party does not have the strength to kill myself.

However, Gu Fenghua was not in a hurry, killing people casually was not her habit, she had her principles and her bottom line.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand it over quickly, or you won't even have a chance to regret it!" The leading young saint teacher said impatiently, and pointed his long sword at Gu Fenghua and the others unscrupulously.

"Ah, don't, don't!" The girl screamed, trembling with fright, hiding behind Gu Fenghua, her whole body curled up into a ball.

Gu Fenghua frowned, these guys are really arrogant, obviously there are only three of them, yet they dare to be as public as above in front of the eight of them, I don't know where the confidence comes from?

"What if we don't hand it in?" Gu Fenghua slowly raised his long sword.

There was a sound of dragon chant around him, and Luo Enen and others also drew their long swords. With their temperament, how could they be easily frightened by the other party with just a few words.

"You want to make a move, do you know who our lord is and how many of us there are?" Seeing the intentions of Gu Fenghua and others, the tall and thin young saint not only showed no fear, but laughed out loud , said disdainfully.

"Who is it?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"My lord is the one who is known as Tiannan Wushuang, the one who gets bigger and bigger!" said the holy master with a proud face.

"Now there are hundreds of strong men following my lord, and all of them are masters among masters. You'd better hand her over honestly, otherwise you won't need to be shot by the lord, and you will be torn apart with swords and killed without burial. Land!" Another saint teacher also said proudly.

"Over a Thousand Mountains!" Gu Fenghua finally understood how their confidence came from.

Yue Qianshan, born in the Anyue Kingdom in the southern part of Tianji Continent, is also a descendant of the royal family, but unlike the idiot royal family like Tang Junhou, he has become famous since he was a child, and he stepped into the realm of the soul saint when he was more than ten years old. He is known as Tiannan Wushuang .

Although Yue Qianshan's reputation is not as good as that of Qin Kuangge they met a few days ago, it is said that it is mainly because he was born in the royal family, and he has to be concerned about the dignity of the royal family, so he acts more low-key. Gu Fenghua and others came from a family and knew a little bit more about him. According to what the family said, Yue Qianshan's talent and combat strength may not be inferior to Qin Kuangge's.

It's no wonder that these few people are so arrogant, it turns out that they have taken refuge in Yue Qianshan, and they have hundreds of companions to support them.

"Now that you know our background, why don't you hurry up and hand over someone?" Seeing the surprise flashing in the eyes of Gu Fenghua and the others, those saint masters became even more rampant, occasionally glanced at the girl, and how many Very evil.

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