My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1116 kicked on the iron plate

Gu Fenghua didn't get angry either, he didn't know that the sky was so high and the earth was too big, there was no reason to be angry. She just shook her head, smiled slightly, and raised her long sword. Beside, Lornen and others also drew their long swords.

"You guys still want to make a move, you're looking for death!" Seeing that Gu Fenghua was so "ignorant of good and evil", the leading holy master did not hesitate, and directly slashed out with a sword, and the two companions beside him also made moves at the same time.

Probably because after following Yue Qianshan, they rarely met opponents. After a long time, they all developed the problem of arrogance and arrogance, and they didn't pay attention to other testers at all. Not the slightest hesitation, let alone the slightest mercy.

Of course, they themselves do have a bit of confidence, the red holy beads flickering between their eyebrows, they are actually a fifth-rank soul saint and two second-rank soul saints. If they are placed at the beginning of the trial, with their strength, they can indeed I was arrogant in front of many people, but unfortunately, now is not the beginning, who can stay is not a strong one, and more importantly, what they met was Gu Fenghua and his party.

The eight sword glows cut out at the same time with a consonant heart, and then converged and condensed.

Amidst the muffled groan, several holy masters on the other side spat out blood and flew out at the same time.

Without even a chance to let out a scream, two of the second-rank soul saints were killed on the spot, and the leader, the fifth-rank soul saint, was also seriously injured and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

Lonen stuck out her tongue. Originally, they didn't want to kill people lightly, but after these days of experience, the tacit understanding between the few of them has almost become an instinct, and they naturally used the sword of unity of mind and heart. If the power of this sword is exerted to the extreme, even the devil monitor lizard with golden patterns on its back can't resist, let alone these two second-rank soul saints.

It is true that they did not exert the strongest power with this sword, but the opponent could not compare with the powerful defense of the Demon King Monitor Lizard. Immortality is a strange thing.

But judging from the resoluteness and viciousness of the other party's previous attack, it is obviously not the first time that they have killed people. It is estimated that many saints died in their hands, so they don't need to blame themselves.

Putting away their long swords, Gu Fenghua and the others walked towards the leading young master.

"Don't kill me, I know I'm wrong, save you and spare my life." The holy master finally realized that he kicked on the iron plate, and he didn't have the slightest arrogance before. He fell to the ground and begged for mercy in horror.

"Crush the test token and leave the Nether Sand Sea. I will spare you." Gu Fenghua didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and said briefly and clearly.

The trial has been going on until now, and few of those who can survive are innocent. Some of them should take the initiative to kill and seize treasures, and some, like them, were forced to take action for self-protection. She has no time to distinguish right from wrong one by one, except The culprit, she didn't want to hurt more lives.

"Our trial tokens are all in the hands of Yue Qianshan." The saint teacher was overjoyed when he heard Fang, but immediately thought of something, and said anxiously.

Fearing that Gu Fenghua would not believe it, he also revealed the storage bracelet, and took out all the contents in one go, as expected, there was no trial token.

Gu Fenghua frowned. The trial token is used to save life. No one dares to carry such an important magic weapon in his pocket. He will definitely keep it in a storage bracelet. It seems that this person is not lying. His trial token was indeed confiscated by Yue Qianshan.

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