His arms were sore and numb, and even his bones felt a slight tingling pain. Gu Fenghua looked a little helpless. If he blocked this sword, he might end up with a broken bone.

"Duan Kong, Zhan Lang!"

"Beidou, Batian!"

"Holy Soul, Heaven Break!"

"Fengyun, Qianzhong!"

Behind him, there was a sudden shout of Luo Enen and the others, and the seven sword beams also passed by his side at the same time, slashing forward.

The eight sword glows converged again and collided head-on with that golden light.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, the air exploded, and the turbulent flow spurted out, causing several holes to be blasted out of the dome of the stone hall.

The golden light was finally shaken back a few feet, and Gu Fenghua struggled to stabilize his figure.

"Fenghua, how are you?" Luo Enen and others rushed into the hall and stood side by side with her, their eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine. It's a good thing you're here." Gu Fenghua finally let out a sigh of relief, and said to Luo Enen and the others.

Although Luo Enen and the others did not listen to her and stayed where they were, of course she would not blame them at this time. If they hadn't arrived in time, even if she could escape from the hall, she would definitely suffer severe injuries through broken bones.

"We can't do it if we don't come." Lonen said with a wry smile.

Seeing the wry smile on Luo Enen's face, Gu Fenghua subconsciously looked back, his face suddenly changed slightly.

The heavy sandstorm set off shocking sand waves, which bombarded the barrier of Luankong Mountain like a shock wave hitting the shore, and the crack that was forcibly broken by them did not know when it would repair itself, and it was completely restored to its original state. Thanks to this, the sandstorm was not able to invade the enchantment, and it was still peaceful in it, not even feeling the slightest vibration.

However, it is obviously impossible for Lonen and the others to wait in place anymore, otherwise what awaits them will be their fate in pieces. Just before the crack in the barrier was about to be healed, a few people made a decisive decision and rushed into the barrier, just in time to see Gu Fenghua was in danger, and they did not hesitate to help.

How did this sandstorm become so violent? Gu Fenghua frowned. Judging from the situation in front of them, they couldn't leave the empty chaotic mountain at all, they could only hide in this enchantment honestly, but what should they do when the trial period is over?

Obviously, this problem is not what to worry about now, what should be worried about now is the monster in front.

"This, what is this?" Fang Tianyou said with a look of horror, his eyes widened.

Sunlight poured down through the hole in the roof of the hall, and the monster finally revealed its real body.

A huge body more than three feet long, with fangs and claws as sharp as knives, what is it if it is not a demon king monitor lizard?

Speaking of which, they killed quite a few Demon King monitor lizards along the way, but this one was obviously completely different from the previous ones. Every piece of its scales is brilliant golden, and the whole body seems to be made of gold. However, even the most powerful demon monitor lizard that Gu Fenghua and others have seen before only have golden patterns on their backs. .

King of beasts! There is no doubt that this is the king of the devil monitor lizard.

"Whoever offends the Holy One, die!" The Demon King Monitor Lizard slowly approached Gu Fenghua and the others with heavy steps, and growled in a low voice.

Its movements are so slow and clumsy, its voice is so low and hoarse and obscure, and its eyes are even more empty, as if it has just woken up from a deep sleep for thousands of years. But even so, it still gives people a strong sense of oppression, and every step they take seems to be stepping on the hearts of everyone.

The golden claws were lifted up again, and they slashed at Gu Fenghua's head.

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