My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1157 It's hard to take advantage

Without hesitation, Gu Fenghua and the others gripped the hilt of their swords tightly, and Iori slashed out with a concentrated sword.

The loud noise shook the sky, the golden light burst out, and a ball of energy exploded from it again. The demon king lizard was so shocked that it took two steps back, and Gu Fenghua and others also took a step back.

With this sword, it was obvious that they had the upper hand, and everyone's momentum was lifted. Even if the king can do it, the Demon King Monitor Lizard is still the Demon King Monitor Lizard. Apart from its amazing natural defense, its attack power is not too strong. With the eight gods' concentrated sword, they still have the power to resist.

Amidst the low growl, the demon king lizard half raised its body, and slashed down on its head again with its sharp claws like a golden sickle.

Gu Fenghua and the others were greatly boosted in confidence, without any timidity, they attacked head-on.

There was a loud noise like thunder, golden light fell, and bursts of energy exploded one after another. In a short while, Gu Fenghua and the others had struck out more than ten swords. Each sword contained all of their hearts, as if eight people were one. However, the monster giant lizard on the opposite side was still unscathed, but the scale armor that seemed to be made of gold became even more dazzling.

"Something's wrong!" Luo Enen said to Gu Fenghua in a low voice after repelling the Demon King monitor lizard again.

I thought that my side had the upper hand. As long as I persisted, I would be able to drag down the Demon King Monitor Lizard in front of me sooner or later. Injury, and that strength is getting stronger and stronger.

In the beginning, several people repelled the opponent two steps, and I only needed to retreat one step. Then, both sides retreated one step. Now, the opponent retreats one step, but I have to retreat two steps to dissipate the powerful shock force and barely stand firm. , The contrast between strength and weakness is completely reversed.

What's even more frightening is that the monster king lizard's movements became more and more flexible, and its attack speed became faster and faster, and it was no longer as clumsy, blunt and dull as before.

"If I'm not wrong, it should have just woken up from a deep sleep before, and its body functions have not fully recovered, so we took the lead. Now that it is gradually recovering, it will be difficult for us to take advantage." Ye Colorless said.

No one refuted his guess. In fact, everyone was vaguely aware of this, and knew that they had actually underestimated the king of the monster lizards.

"Those who dare to offend the might of the Holy One, die!" The demon king lizard approached step by step, and once again let out a low and muffled roar. Not only did its movements become smoother and quicker, but even its speech was much smoother than before.

The only thing that remained the same was that its gaze was still as blank as before, and it couldn't see the clear spirit that a monster of this level should have.

Could it be that its mind was also sealed? Gu Fenghua secretly guessed.

Of course, she couldn't find the answer to this question for a while. Just as she was secretly guessing, the Demon King Monitor Lizard raised its golden claws again.

"Quick back!" Gu Fenghua shouted loudly.

Originally, they wanted to drag the other party down, but judging from the situation, they must be the ones who got dragged down, and they must not fight any longer.

Anyway, the power of the phoenix is ​​there, and it won't fly away by itself. There will be a chance sooner or later. There is no need to die because of a momentary greed, let alone implicate Luo Enen and others.

Fortunately, with the help of Luo Enen and others, Gu Fenghua finally had the opportunity to turn around. Unlike the beginning, when he was suppressed by the monster lizard and had no chance to escape, he made a decision and immediately flew out stone palace.

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