My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1180 Show affection from time to time

After eating and drinking enough, everyone started to hunt for treasure in the center of Luankong Mountain. Literally, treasure hunting. There are also a lot of Bingyu Fireheart Grass here, and some really expensive herbs. They also carefully collected them, and they were filled up one by one, turning into local tyrants.

In the next few days, everyone completely relaxed. In this place, you can only go out when the time is up. There is no pressure or danger. Apart from practicing, you just eat and drink. Everyone also enjoys this rare leisure time with peace of mind. It is like a picnic.

Gu Fenghua cherishes the time spent with Ye Yunji very much.

At night, people gathered around the campfire to chat.

"After we go to Wuji Shengtian, what about you?" Gu Fenghua leaned against Ye Yunji and asked softly.

"Of course I will go too. I will be where you are." Ye Yunji lowered his head slightly and kissed Gu Fenghua's forehead lightly. Completely ignore the people around you.

Luo Enen and the others were not generally strong in their hearts, and they were used to the dog abuse behavior of these two from time to time. And everyone didn't ask Ye Yunji how he would go to the Promise Holy Heaven. The boss always has the channel and style of the boss. Some things don't need to be asked.

"Let's tell a story?" Fatty Bai suggested, "Before we were discussing our cultivation experience, let's relax today and tell some stories or something. It's fine to tell anecdotes and jokes."

"Okay, I like this." Lonen clapped his hands and said happily, "Who will come first?"

"I'll come first." Fatty Bai suggested, so he immediately said that he would talk first, "I'll tell you about the miraculous things I encountered when I was looking for ingredients."

Everyone knew Fatty Bai's culinary skills very well, so they were naturally curious about what he was going to say next.

"The reason why I became a cook is actually very simple. Because I ate a lot of so-called delicacies, I thought, what are these things? I might as well do it by myself. It's not my bragging. My talent in this area is unprecedented. There is no one to come..." The moment Fatty Bai opened his mouth, he was full of all kinds of foreshadowing, blowing narcissistically.

"Okay, okay, we know that you are very talented, so let's talk about what it is miraculous." Lonen twitched the corner of her mouth, intending to brag about this narcissistic fat man.

"You all know that this monkey wine is brewed by monkeys, and the quantity is rare, right? Back then, when I was training in the wild, I made a meal and attracted a group of monkeys. They used the monkey wine they brewed themselves and my Exchange food. It is conceivable how delicious the food I cook is." The white fat man said triumphantly, "I used to pass by a tribe before, the daughter of the patriarch had eaten my food, and she was crying and asking for food. marry me."

"Then why didn't you marry?" Ye Wuse interrupted and asked.

"It's no good for her to treat me as two of us." Fatty Bai patted his chest with lingering fear, "Fortunately, I ran fast at that time, otherwise I would have been arrested and used as the master of the village."

Everyone looked at Fatty Bai's figure, and then imagined that there were two girls the size of Fatty White, and then everyone felt concerned, well, if it were them, they would run away too.

"I thought it was something interesting, not fun." Lorne curled her lips, "Let me tell a story..."

The atmosphere was unprecedentedly relaxed and enthusiastic. Gu Fenghua and Fatty Bai took out food and drinks, and ate and drank while talking. From time to time, bursts of laughter erupted, echoing in the air.

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