In the end, everyone talked about it, and only Ye Yunji was left.

"Brother Ji, tell us about it too." Fatty Bai and the others turned their attention to Ye Yunji.

"Oh, then let me tell a bad joke too." Ye Yunji didn't shirk, Ye Wuse popularized the word cold joke to everyone, and after telling a few bad jokes, everyone knew what it meant. Everyone was looking forward to the powerful and perfect Ye Yunji telling cold jokes.

Even the magic dragon blinked at Little Black Bean and looked at his master expectantly.

Then I saw Ye Yunji grabbed the dragon's tail, and said in a cold voice: "There used to be a very stupid dragon, which was sealed and didn't even have a body. Now it can only barely condense into the appearance of an earthworm."

Everyone focused their eyes on Mo Tian, ​​it was obvious that this was telling the story of Mo Long.

"Then..." Ye Yunji grabbed the dragon's tail and began to rim the wheel in mid-air.

then what? Could there be any misfortune? Is there something else they don't know? Everyone got a little nervous.

"And then?" Although the dragon was dizzy from the rim, he asked nervously.

"Then it flew out." After Ye Yunji said this, he let go of his hand, and the dragon roared, and flew into the night sky, turning into a black spot.

Everyone: "..."

so cold.

Do all the bosses tell cold jokes like this?

In the middle of the night, everyone went back to their tents to rest.

Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua were still cuddling up on a big rock, looking into the distance.

At this moment, the center of Luankong Mountain is quiet, making people feel that this place is a paradise.

"How's the integration of the Phoenix Force going?" Ye Yunji asked worriedly.

"Still sleeping." Gu Fenghua said, then smiled, "Don't worry, it should be fine. But..."

"But what?" Ye Yunji asked nervously.

"Will I be a descendant of the Phoenix?" Gu Fenghua asked with some doubts, "I have seen the Phoenix in a critical moment, I feel very kind, and I can also feel its love for me."

"I don't think it should be." Ye Yunji thought for a while, but decided not to tell Gu Fenghua about the Yaozhi Forest back then. Back then, Yao Zhisen's tragic song shocked him even at that time. And the sentence "May my young master live in peace forever" is full of infinite sorrow and blessing. Gu Fenghua's identity may not be that simple.

It is precisely because he can't even find out these things, so he has to hide them all the more. The unknown danger has exceeded his expectations, so it is better not to tell Fenghua first, so as not to increase troubles.

"Then I became a little yellow chicken back then, really..." Gu Fenghua curled his lips, remembering the days when he became a little yellow chicken, tsk tsk, really sad. Don't let the group of Loenen know about this. Otherwise, the bird people these guys said will be confirmed.

"It's really strange. But maybe it's the limitation of time and space?" Ye Yunji couldn't figure out what was going on. But he had a vague guess in his mind that it might have something to do with Fenghua's blood.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it for now, I will always know in the future." Gu Fenghua didn't bother with this matter anymore.

"After the trial is over, I won't be with you. You have to take care of yourself." Ye Yunji gently touched Gu Fenghua's head, and suddenly thought of something, and laughed.

"What's wrong? What are you laughing at?" Gu Fenghua looked at Ye Yunji suspiciously.

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