"One sword, shocking the world!" Gu Fenghua's long sword wrapped in thick silk cloth slashed down heavily.

"Beidou, Batian!"

"Duan Kong, Zhan Lang!"


All around, seven sword glows cut out at the same time, and then merged and condensed into one. As if a bolt of lightning penetrated the sky and the earth, the entire night sky was reflected as bright as day.

Such a strong sword power! Doesn't it mean that Gu Fenghua only has the sword power of the sixth rank of Soul Sage, and the strength of others is far inferior to her. The Ninth Prince of Xinghua Kingdom didn't even come to the Soul Sage, how could he display such sword power? There was horror in the eyes of those men in black.

"Boom", the next moment, that sword glow had already been cut down in the air.

The leading man in black spat out a mouthful of blood, and was sent flying with his sword. Several other companions were bloody all over their bodies and died on the spot. Their joint fencing skills are indeed very strong, but how can they compare with Gu Fenghua and others' eight-spirited sword. With just one strike, the meridians of their whole body were cut off, and the heart vessels were shattered.

"What the hell are you? Who sent you here?" Gu Fenghua flew up, the point of his sword resting on the heart of the leading man in black. Although it's just a scabbard, as long as she exhales her holy spirit, she can still easily shatter the opponent's heart.

The man spat out blood clots, looked at Gu Fenghua, showed a sad wry smile, then tilted his head, and followed a few companions.

Gu Fenghua shook his head, and put away the long sword helplessly. The power of Yashen Ningxin's sword is too great, it has far surpassed their cultivation base, so as long as they make a move, they can no longer control the power. Unable to resist, it was only a moment longer than his companions.

"His name is Xiang Shengjie, and the others should be his own younger brothers, who are collectively called the Four Heroes of the Xiang family." Xie Youran said suddenly.

"You know them?" Gu Fenghua said in surprise.

"Well, the Xiang family is one of the aristocratic families in Beimo Kingdom. Although the family is not very powerful, the ancestral joint fencing skills have been passed down for thousands of years and are quite famous. More than ten years ago, I went out with my grandfather to find a blind medicine. I have dealt with the Xiang family, and I have met some of their brothers once." Xie Youran said with some emotion.

Although they were not friends with the Xiang family brothers, they met once after all, and they turned against each other today. However, Xiang Shengjie and the others acted too fast, too suddenly, he didn't even see who the opponent was, and he didn't react until then, so he couldn't blame him.

"Beimo Kingdom and Xinghua Kingdom are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles. We haven't even heard of the Xiang family. How could they seek our misfortune?" Luo Enen said inexplicably.

If it's the kind of small thief who doesn't open his eyes, it's fine. The brothers of the Xiang family are well-known, and they are the children of aristocratic families.

"If I'm not wrong, they should have been bribed by Lu Aochen." Gu Fenghua said.

Apart from this, there can be no other reason.

Xie Youran couldn't help but look at the corpses on the ground again, deeply moved. In the end, the man in black smiled wryly, and Xie Youran also understood the meaning contained in it.

The brothers were bribed, and they thought it was a sure thing, but because of this greed, they all lost their lives. If I knew this earlier, why did I... It's just that in this world, no one knew earlier.

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