After hearing Gu Fenghua's words, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn. The reason why they changed their return route was to take a shortcut to save time, and to avoid Lu Aochen's interception and killing - they fought against each other in the Nether Sand Sea, and Lu Aochen knew their strength very well, and it was absolutely impossible for them to let go They easily returned to Xinghua Country.

But unexpectedly, even if they crossed the Gobi, Lu Aochen would still be prepared. From this point of view, returning to Xinghua Country may be a hundred times more difficult than they imagined.

"Beimo Country and Xinghua Country are separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. Lu Aochen reached out to Xinghua Country with one hand, but extended his other hand to Beimo Country. Isn't that impossible?" Luo Enen said. Rather than doubting Gu Fenghua's conjecture, it is more appropriate to say it is self-consolation.

Unfortunately, her self-comfort didn't help.

"Killed, killed!" As soon as the words fell, a panicked cry sounded outside the courtyard.

Then, there was a sound of gongs and drums, and the city that was still as silent as if it had fallen into a deep sleep immediately woke up, and the alarm bell rang on the tower, and there was a dense sound of horseshoes. Thousands of frontier soldiers in full armor rode horses, Murderously rushed to the inn.

"You dare to commit murder at Pingsha Pass, you obviously don't take me, Feng Modi seriously, and catch them, not a single one will be let go!" A group of heavy armored cavalry came outside the inn, and a middle-aged man with a rough face General Nian roared angrily.

This general is none other than Pingsha Gatekeeper Feng Modi. Gu Fenghua and others had heard of his name when they entered the city, and they knew that he was not just an ordinary border guard general, but also a well-known strongman in Beimo Kingdom. one of them.

As soon as Feng Modi's words fell, the soldiers under his command leveled their spears and got ready to charge. The courtyard wall of the inn seemed solid, but it couldn't withstand the impact of the armored frontier army at all.

"Wait, we are the holy cultivators of Xinghua Temple, there is some misunderstanding about this!" Fang Tianyou jumped onto the wall and shouted to Feng Modi.

In Tianji Continent, the status of a holy master is already lofty, and the status of a saint in the temple is even more detached. He believes that as long as he declares his identity, the other party will never dare to act rashly. But this time, he obviously miscalculated.

"Hmph, I want to use the name of the temple to suppress me, Feng Modi, it's a dream! If you dare to commit murder in Pingshaguan, the king of heaven and I will not do it, so kill me!" Feng Modi didn't give him a chance to explain. with a wave. Hundreds of long arrows streaked across the night sky and shot towards Fang Tianyou's chest.

After all, he is also a majestic master in the realm of soul sages. How could he be easily shot by ordinary bows and arrows? Fang Tianyou didn't pay much attention to these arrows. While waving his long sword and laying down a series of holy air defenses in front of him, Fang Tianyou shouted : "Don't rush to do it, listen to me first..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a series of crisp sounds, one after another, pitch-black arrows slammed into the edge of his sword fiercely, and sparks burst out in the night, like fireworks in full bloom.

It would be fine if it was just one arrow, hundreds of arrows poured down like raindrops, even though Fang Tianyou had already attained the fourth rank of Soul Sage, his wrists were still numb from the shock, and the long sword followed suit. One side, revealing the space in the chest. The sound of the bowstring trembling was endless, and hundreds of arrows came one after another, passing through the gap and shooting straight at his mouth.

With just a dozen or so arrows, the holy air defense he had set up earlier was shattered, and the sharp arrowheads pierced straight to the heart veins.

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