No one could have imagined that the opponent's bow and arrows were so powerful, and Fang Tianyou himself was unprepared. For a moment, his face was pale with fright, and he stood on top of the wall blankly, not knowing what to do.

"Did you just die like this? I am a majestic fourth-rank Soul Sage master, how could I die like this?" His mind was even more bewildered and hopeless.

"Sudden!" At the critical moment, two cold lights flashed across his body at the same time.

"Ding ding ding ding..." Gold and iron sang, sparks flew, and all the arrows aimed at Fang Tianyou's vitals were blocked.

"Thank you, thank you, almost, almost finished the game, but fortunately you made a move." Fang Tianyou said incoherently in a crying voice.

"Come down!" Before he finished speaking, he was dragged off the wall by Gu Fenghua and Ye Wuse. It was the two of them who made the move, and only they could have such exquisite sword skills, dragging Fang Tianyou from the gate of hell in a flash.

"What kind of arrow is this? It's so powerful." Fang Tianyou finally came back to his senses and said, patting his chest.

"It's a sacred arrow!" Lu Zixuan picked up an arrow and said solemnly.

The holy arrow is somewhat similar to the holy sword. The latter injects the power of heaven and earth into it, while the former injects holy energy into it. Due to the limited size, the power of holy arrows is usually far inferior to that of holy swords, but hundreds of holy arrows are fired in succession, and the lethality is definitely not weaker than that of holy swords.

The most important thing is that as long as the holy arrow is used once, the rune array used to seal the holy energy will be damaged, and the fine gold and mithril used cannot be cast again, and the holy bow used to launch the arrow is used The lifespan is also extremely limited, so the cost is extremely high.

It can even be said that every time a volley is fired, it is not the arrow that shoots out, but the money. Therefore, the number of sacred arrows equipped by various countries is not large, and some of them are used for the royal palace, and some are used for the most powerful people. Elite frontier. It is precisely because the sacred arrows are so precious that no one is willing to use them lightly unless they are on the frontier of the dying country.

If the Ninth Prince hadn't revealed the history, Gu Fenghua and others wouldn't even be able to see the origin of the arrow.

"Go!" Gu Fenghua said without hesitation.

As soon as the opponent made a shot, it was the holy arrow. It seemed that they were not prepared to give them a chance to explain, and they wanted to kill them on the spot. If they were replaced by ordinary generals, even one of the famous strong men in Beimo would never dare to do so after knowing their origins. If there is no mistake in guessing, Feng Modi, like the Xiang family brothers, was also bought by Lu Aochen.

Lu Aochen... Gu Fenghua frowned slightly, this Lu Aochen is a character, a hero. Absolutely not to be underestimated.

Although their cultivation in the realm of soul sages is good, they can't survive round after round of salvos of holy arrows. They helped Fang Tianyou block that round of holy arrows before, but their wrists were sore from the shock. What's more, the opponent There are thousands of heavy armored cavalry, as well as Feng Modi, a well-known strong man in Beimo Kingdom, if they stay any longer, they will be hard to fly.

"Kill me!" Feng Modi's roar sounded outside the courtyard.

With the sound of iron hooves, the whole earth trembled, and the heavy armored cavalry surrounded outside the courtyard at the same time spurred their horses and rushed towards the courtyard wall.

Just as Gu Fenghua expected, this seemingly solid courtyard wall could not stop their attack at all. Amidst several heavy muffled sounds, three courtyard walls collapsed at the same time, sending dust flying.

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