At the same time, thousands of arrows streaked across the sky like black meteors, falling towards the courtyard.

Seeing this scene, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged general. Unless one reaches the realm of the Profound Sage, no one can escape unscathed from the rain of holy dharma arrows. Even if Gu Fenghua and the others had some strength, they could not escape death after being injured, and they didn't even need to do it themselves.

At that time, Lu Aochen promised that he should have obtained the Xuanyi Pill. With those holy pills, he will be able to break through the bottleneck and make a great progress. Even if he can't step into the legendary heavenly realm in this life, he should He could also overwhelm the guardian of the Beimo Kingdom and become the most powerful saint outside the Beimo Temple. Feng Modi thought beautifully in his heart.

"One sword, shocking!" Just as he was thinking in his heart, suddenly, several figures flew out of the arrow rain, and everyone was unharmed.

His eyes froze sharply, and he looked at the holy beads shining on the foreheads of Gu Fenghua and the others in disbelief. Just like what Lu Aochen said, they really only have the cultivation level of the soul sage, and the weakest one has not even reached the soul sage, but with such a cultivation base, how could they get out of the rain of holy arrows safely? ?

After taking a closer look, he discovered that there were streaks of magical crystal light emerging from Gu Fenghua and the others. magic weapon! It turned out that Gu Fenghua and others had such a powerful body protection magic weapon.

He was not mistaken, Gu Fenghua and the others did rely on the body protection magic weapon to break out of the holy dharma arrow rain, but it was not a powerful magic weapon, but Gu Fenghua took all the body protection magic weapons presented by his brothers After coming out, coupled with their not weak strength, they rushed out of the arrow rain.

Every magical weapon was stimulated to the extreme, and it was instantly torn apart, but Gu Fenghua didn't care about his heart, and the long sword in his hand flashed with divine light, and he slashed at the opponent's head.

Luo Enen and others also shot at the same time, and the eight sword lights converged again, releasing the power of breaking the sky.

Feng Modi's pupils shrank sharply, and with a loud shout, he swung his long knife and slashed head-on. Two blue holy beads were also shining brightly on his forehead, this is actually a second-rank Profound Sage powerhouse.

Seeing that holy bead, Gu Fenghua and others felt their hearts sink at the same time. This person's strength is actually on par with Lu Aochen.

Although last time they severely injured Lu Aochen and forced him to flee, it was a sneak attack by accident, but this time, it was a head-on confrontation. The sword of their eight spirits can really defeat such a strong man ?

The sword glow towered into the sky, and the saber energy criss-crossed. When they met head-on, there was a loud bang, and the chaotic aura shot towards the four directions around this center. The soldiers around Feng Modi were caught off guard for a moment, and were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew out backwards.

The corners of the mouths of Gu Fenghua and the others also ooze traces of blood, and the sword that they slashed with concerted efforts was held in mid-air by the opponent's long knife, and they could no longer advance half an inch.

A streak of blood also oozed from the corner of the opponent's mouth.

This time the hand gestures were evenly matched, and no one took advantage.

However, Gu Fenghua and the others were not happy at all. Don't forget, they are not alone. There are thousands of cavalry in heavy armor and hundreds of sacred bows under their command.

The ground trembled again, and the cavalry reined in their horses and rushed towards Gu Fenghua and the others. The sound of iron hooves that seemed to break people's hearts was mixed with the hum of the bowstring being drawn again.

"I didn't expect that the eight of you attacking together would be so powerful. Unfortunately, you still have to die!" Feng Modi said with a grin.

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