The day of passing the throne is getting closer and closer. Although the royal family of Xinghua has not officially announced it to the public, rumors have slowly spread. And his plan was proceeding step by step without any deviation, but looking at the lights in the distance, he was still a little uneasy.

The last time I received news from Gu Fenghua and others was half a month ago. Since Feng Modi died in battle, he ordered the people stationed in Beimo Kingdom to take strict precautions, but half a month later, there was no more After receiving the news from Gu Fenghua, it was as if that group of people disappeared from this world out of thin air. He was confident in his mind, but he felt faintly uneasy.

"My lord, I just received an urgent report. There is news about Gu Fenghua." The dead man in black came quickly, and the voice had already arrived before he arrived.

These days, even though Lu Aochen didn't say anything, he still sensed the worry in his eyes and knew why he was worried, so he immediately came to report the news as soon as he received it.

"Where is he?" Lu Aochen turned around abruptly and asked.

"Northern Qi Kingdom, Tianyun City!" The dead man in black replied.

"What!" Lu Aochen couldn't help exclaiming.

Tianyun City is an important border town between Northern Qi Kingdom and Beimo Kingdom. Hepingsha City is tens of thousands of miles away, and there is only one road passing through it, and it is located between strange peaks and cliffs. Maybe he passed through these tens of thousands of miles silently and suddenly appeared in Tianyun City. Even if he flew, he still had to leave a shadow.

"Are you not stopped?" Lu Aochen managed to calm down, took a deep breath, and asked.

"Chang Tai died in battle, let them escape." The dead man in black replied.

Such a result was completely out of Lu Aochen's expectation.

Few of these people who were placed in the Beimo Kingdom can match Feng Modi's cultivation base. If they follow his plan to intercept and encircle them all the way, they can fight with wheels and take their lives to fill Gu Fenghua's life. Waiting for someone, but she suddenly appeared in Tianyun City from Pingsha Pass without making a sound. How could she stop Gu Fenghua with Changtai's Ninth Grade Soul Sage cultivation.

"We put a lot of eyeliner on, how did they get to Tianyun City?" Lu Aochen shook the amber wine in his glass, and said to himself.

"Maybe it's luck." The black-clothed dead man said.

"Luck?" Lu Aochen shook his head. He never believed that Gu Fenghua would have such good luck to be able to cross tens of thousands of miles under his strict surveillance without being noticed by anyone. There must be other reasons for this.

However, now is obviously not the time to get to the bottom of it. The most important thing is to find the whereabouts of Gu Fenghua and others. Even if they can't be eradicated on the spot, they must be held back. Immediately, Lu Aochen ordered with a serious face, "The order continues, we must strictly guard the checkpoints between Beiqi and Zhongshan, and we must not let Gu Fenghua have any chance."

"Yes, my lord!" The dead man in black replied in a deep voice.


At this time, among the thousands of miles of mountains on the border of the Northern Qi Kingdom, a small team was rushing through thorns and thorns. Everyone's face was covered with wind and frost, and several of them still had blood that had already solidified on their bodies.

There is no doubt that this is Gu Fenghua and his party who suddenly and silently "jumped" from Pingsha Pass to Tianyun City, but if you look closely, there are only seven people in the team, Gu Fenghua is missing.

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