My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1210 The little girl can only live in the next life...

"Fenghua will be okay, right?" Lonen said worriedly as he galloped forward, turning his head to look back from time to time.

"It's not that you don't know how powerful she is. What could be the matter? You should worry about yourself. If I hadn't made a quick move just now, your life would have died." Fatty Bai said.

"Okay, okay, thank you for saving your life. There is no way to repay your kindness. The little girl can only be a cow or horse weed for you to eat in the next life." Luo Enen said carelessly.

"That's about the same." Although it wasn't a physical promise, Luo Enen could be regarded as repaying his kindness anyway, and Fatty Bai was still very satisfied. Besides, even if Miss Luo was willing to give her body, he wouldn't dare to take it. Even the Luo family couldn't support it anymore, so he didn't want to live on grass in his next life.

Hey, eating grass, something seems wrong?

Before Fatty Bai figured out what was wrong with Miss Luo's gratitude, the people next to him were already giggling.

"Lonen, you..." The fat white man who was played by Luo Enen was furious, and was about to go into a rage when he heard brisk footsteps behind him, and Gu Fenghua's familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Fenghua, you're back." Luo Enen went up to meet her, and carefully looked at the blood on her body.

Fatty Bai also saw the bloodstains, he was concerned about whether Gu Fenghua was injured, and he didn't have time to argue with Luo Enen.

"It's not mine. I'm fine. Let's all rest for a while. I've already eliminated those people." Seeing their concerned eyes, Gu Fenghua's heart warmed. He didn't want them to worry, so he quickly explained.

Relying on the map given by Song Yu'an, they crossed the vast mountains of Beimo Kingdom safely. Although they encountered some monsters with short eyes on the road, they did not pose any threat to them. But just like what Song Yu'an said, this path is intermittent, and several sections of it still have to pass through the official roads of various countries. As soon as they arrived in Tianyun City of Northern Qi Kingdom, they met nearly a hundred saints headed by Chang Tai.

Compared with the common people, the saints, their group was too conspicuous to hide their identities at all, and the war broke out immediately.

Although Chang Tai only had the ninth rank of soul saints, which was far behind Feng Modi who died under their swords, the nearly one hundred saints under him were far stronger than Feng Modi's soldiers. Most of them have reached the realm of soul sages, and the rest are at or near the peak of Dharma sages.

The disadvantages of Gu Fenghua and the others were also revealed. With Yashen's concentrated sword, they can compete with the strong in the Xuansheng Realm, but how many can they kill with one sword? One, two, three... It's impossible to kill them all, unless others get together and wait for them to kill them without doing anything.

And their own cultivation base, even the strongest Gu Fenghua, may not be stronger than the strongest men under Chang Tai's subordinates. After making a single strike, what they have to face is the siege of countless strong men.

It was also fortunate that Lu Aochen didn't reveal the secret of their sword strike, which gave them a chance to kill Chang Tai with a thunderous strike, and break out of the encirclement while the others were in shock.

However, the other party did not give up, and followed them everywhere. If they got together, Gu Fenghua really didn't have a good solution, but if they spread out, it was in her favor. It's not the well-organized heavy cavalry of the Northern Desert Frontier Army, and they don't have the killing weapon like the Holy Law Arrow, so they dare to chase and kill them. Isn't that courting death?

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