My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1211 What did my sister leave her

A few enemies who didn't know whether it was good luck or bad luck found the right direction and chased after them all the way, but they didn't know that under Gu Fenghua's powerful divine sense, their every move had been seen for a long time.

Deliberately leading them around in a circle, Gu Fenghua easily eradicated them with little effort.

"I can finally take a breath." After hearing Gu Fenghua's words, everyone heaved a long sigh of relief, sitting or lying down, and fell down.

Although the secret path shown by Song Yu'an is secret, it is more difficult to navigate, and the distance is even a bit longer. They rushed all the way from Beimo Kingdom to Tianyun City. They were all exhausted. Just arrived in Tianyun City, They were intercepted and killed by Chang Tai and others, and they escaped from the siege and fled here. They were almost exhausted.

"Han Yi, God Bless, how is your injury?" Gu Fenghua asked.

When they broke out of the siege just now, both of them suffered some injuries.

"It's okay, there is no vital injury." Fang Tianyou turned his head to look at the scar on his shoulder, and said nonchalantly.

The injury is not serious, and the bones are deep. If it were him in the past, he would probably faint from fright, but after the life and death experience in the Nether Sand Sea, this injury is no longer in his eyes.

"Fortunately, thanks to your healing elixir." Lin Hanyi also said with a smile as if nothing had happened.

She was hit by a sword in the ribs, and the sword energy penetrated into her body and hurt her internal organs, which was much more serious than Fang Tianyou's injury, but at the Shifang Grand Ceremony, she was tortured by Xiang Wushang until almost all the bones in her body were broken, but she was still strong Come over, this little injury is nothing.

Having been with each other for so long, they have already been open and frank with each other, and there is no need to hide anything. I believe they are also very clear that there is no benefit in showing off, and it will not only harm themselves, but also harm others, so Gu Fenghua did not stand up for him anymore. They check for injuries.

"By the way, guess how this path came about?" Lonen looked at the path paved with stone slabs under his feet, and said curiously.

When they first saw the map, they thought that the path was stepped on by the herb farmers or hunters in the mountains year after year. After finding it, they found that the so-called path was actually paved with stone slabs. Weeds and thorns, the width of the road is as much as one foot, but it has been abandoned for many years, and then it is gradually hidden among the mountains and is unknown to outsiders.

Moreover, although this road is intermittent, it stretches for tens of thousands of miles and is coiled between cliffs. It is not an easy task to build such a road.

"Probably it was left over from the ancient times. I don't know how many countries were destroyed and how many people died in that catastrophe. Although the mainland regained its vitality after the catastrophe, and the countries were rebuilt, it must be the same as the previous territory. It is quite different, and coupled with the tens of thousands of years of changes in the land, the seas and fields have changed, and the roads left before will gradually fall into disrepair." Gu Fenghua said speculatively.

"Then what exactly did Sister Song Yu'an leave her? I'm just curious." After hearing Gu Fenghua's guess, Luo Enen became even more curious.

"It's okay to be curious, just pretend you don't know anything, don't tell, don't ask. She trusts us so much, we must not harm her." Fatty Bai said seriously.

You can imagine with your toes that what sister Song Yu'an left behind is definitely not an ordinary treasure. If this news gets out, many people will take risks, and Song Yu'an's life will be in danger.

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