My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1224 He Still Has No Complaints or Regrets

The opponent's strength is almost the same as that of the Du family's disciples. Except for a few soul saints, most of them are only Dharma saints. The weakest one is fighting saints. If they have holy dharma arrows in hand, they can resist for a while But at this time, the arrows had been used up, so with the long sword in his hand, how could he stop the group of Du family disciples who were rushing towards him with murderous aura.

In a short while, more than a dozen people fell in a pool of blood, and the entire team was forced to retreat again and again. But everywhere in the city, groups of Du family's children charged from all directions.

The people around him fell one by one, and the young "rebel" at the head retreated to a corner of the city wall with the last dozen of his men. Everyone among them is scarred and blood-stained, but they still protect the young leader.

The young "rebel" watched the people around him fall down one by one, looked at the blood-red patch in front of him, but gritted his teeth and continued to support.

This battle did not last long, and it was far less magnificent than the battle of Gu Fenghua and others, but it was even more tragic. The battle of masters, the moment of life and death, even if you are not careful, you will end up being smashed into pieces, because you die too fast, but you will not suffer too much pain, but the strength of this group of people is obviously much weaker, and they are evenly matched with each other , but it is difficult to kill with one blow. Although the chances of saving life are greater, more blood is shed and more pain is endured.

Blood gurgled down their shoulders, arms, sides, and thighs, converging into a river under their feet, and the air was filled with thick blood. Wordless tragedy...

"Why, why did you betray my Du family? Isn't my Du family promising you enough benefits?" The second elder of the Du family asked angrily, holding a long sword.

If it wasn't for their sneak attack from behind, even if the Patriarch died in battle, the Du family would still be able to defend the Qingxia Pass. What awaited the Du family would still be eternal glory. With such a strong generation, the Du family's Wanye foundation is still as stable as a rock.

But now, all this is over!

"Why? You won't understand even if you tell me." The young leader of the "rebels" looked at the young figures on the city wall and showed a friendly smile.

Indeed, the benefits offered by the Du family are indeed not small, but who asked the Du family to deal with them?

"Kill them and leave none behind!" This kind of answer is not an answer at all. Of course, it can't satisfy the second elder of the Du family, but he knows that he can't delay any longer, otherwise his own life will be in danger, and the Du family is afraid that the whole family will also die. The family is destroyed.

Hundreds of long swords were raised at the same time, the snow-cold light was so dazzling under the golden afterglow.

The young rebel leader also raised his long sword, but he knew that with his injuries, it would be difficult for him to swing a sword again. However, looking at the young figures at the top of the wall, he still had no regrets.

Finally, hundreds of long swords slashed down at the same time, and the sword lights intertwined, enveloping them like a giant net.

"Whoever betrays my Du family, die!" The second elder of the Du family showed a ferocious smile on his face.

"Go, let's go!" At this moment, Wu Donghai's panicked voice came, and one after another, the saints jumped from the top of the city, and fled towards the distance without looking back.

Facing the powerful strength of Gu Fenghua and others, they finally chose to give up. Originally, he only worked for Lu Aochen for the sake of profit, so why put his life on the line and cultivate to what he is now, is it easy?

The ferocious smile of the second elder of the Du family froze on his face.

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