"One sword, shocking the world!" Gu Fenghua's unfamiliar voice, but enough to make everyone present unforgettable for a lifetime, rang in the ears again.

Turning around, I saw the figures of Gu Fenghua and others flying over.

"Quick..." The second elder of the Du family shouted loudly while waving his long sword in an attempt to stop him.

Before the second word could be uttered, a sword light streaked across his body.

"Go..." He finally yelled out the second word, but at the same time as the word was yelled, all the colors disappeared from his eyes, turning into a blank, and then, there was endless darkness.

"Boom!" Hundreds of lines crisscrossed and criss-crossed, as if the sword light shrouded in a giant net turned into streams of light, and a child of the Du family spat blood and flew out backwards.

"Let's go, let's go!" A member of the Du family struggled to get up and rushed towards the city gate.

The Patriarch died in battle, and the two elders also died in battle one after another. The last fighting spirit of the Du family's children disappeared, and all that was left was fear. Everyone knew that the Du family was doomed, it was completely doomed, and by escaping at this time, maybe they could preserve some blood for the Du family. If it was later, the entire Du family would be exterminated.

The Qingxia Pass was already in the hands of the Du family, and without much effort, they opened the city and rushed out of the city. Gu Fenghua and others watched helplessly, but they couldn't stop them.

In the previous battle, although they seemed to have the upper hand in battle, it was not so easy to kill the Patriarch of the Du family and two elders with eight people, and then forced back hundreds of masters. Gu Fenghua was almost exhausted, let alone Luo Enen and others. However, it was precisely because they did their best without reservation that they pushed back Wu Donghai and the others. If they persisted for a while, Gu Fenghua and the others might not be able to hold on. So watching that torrent of people rushing out of the city, they were powerless to stop it.

Moreover, the changes in the pass kept rising, and the people didn't know what was going on. Seeing the Du family's children fleeing outside the city, others thought that the Qingxia pass had been breached, so they dragged their families and escaped with them. Can you figure out who is the child of whose family? Even if Gu Fenghua still has strength, he is absolutely unwilling to hurt innocent people in order to destroy the Du family.

Anyway, after this battle, the Du family has been completely expelled from the Xinghua wealthy family, and other countries will not take in such rebellious clans. Unless they change their names and surnames and go their separate ways, there may be no place for them in the Tianji Continent After a few generations, maybe even they themselves don't know the origin of their background, so there is no threat to the Xinghua royal family.

Withdrawing his gaze, Gu Fenghua walked towards the young leader of the "rebel".

"Senior Brother Yunhua, thank you very much!" Gu Fenghua saluted.

The leader of the "rebels" in front of him is not the same senior fellow of Misty Cloud Valley - Yunhua, Gu Fenghua and others' God Transformation Grass was given by him, and Gu Fenghua also reciprocated, helping him to advance to the realm of soul saint Because of this, he became a holy cultivator from an outer disciple, and he also shined in the competition of the three peaks and one valley in the Xinghua Temple.

"They're all holy cultivators, so it's a little outrageous to say that." Yun Hua wanted to return the gift, but he couldn't use any strength, Xie Youran and Fang Tianyou hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

"By the way, Senior Brother Yunhua, why are you here?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

"My Yun family was originally one of the four major border families guarding the Qingxia Pass for generations, but it was gradually forgotten after being suppressed and excluded by the Du family these years." Yunhua replied.

"So that's how it is." Gu Fenghua and the others suddenly realized.

It’s been a long time since I’ve asked for a ticket == Let’s howl today, please count the votes, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, ask for a ticket, cuties, can you count the tickets? Love you guys.

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