"Don't talk too much, I know you still have business to do, go to the capital as soon as possible, I have already prepared a fast horse for you, there is still time." Yun Hua said anxiously.

"Brother Yunhua, do you know what's going on?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise. If Yunhua knew about the Du family's conspiracy, she must have sent someone to the capital to send a message, so she didn't have to worry too much.

"I just returned to Qingxia Pass a few days ago, so I don't know what's going on." Yunhua said with a wry smile.

"You don't know anything, and you still help us like this?" Luo Enen looked at Yunhua in surprise.

Of the four major families in Qingxiaguan, two of them have long existed in name only, and the Yun family is only surviving under the oppression of the Du family. Judging by the manpower brought by Yunhua, I am afraid that the whole family has exhausted its strength. A little carelessness would lead to the extermination of the clan. He didn't even know anything, yet he dared to bet on the life and death of the whole clan like this.

"I only know that we are both fellow disciples and friends, so your affairs are my affairs. And what you do must be very important. I believe in you!" Yunhua said frankly Said swayingly.

After hearing Yunhua's words, Gu Fenghua and the others felt their hearts warm. This reason is so simple, yet so pure.

While speaking, a few younger members of the Yun Family who were slightly injured had already brought the wildebeest and looked at Gu Fenghua and the others with reverence on their faces. Xuan Sage and Soul Sage, this is a realm that they will never be able to achieve in their entire lives.

"Senior Brother Yunhua, I'll leave Qingxia Pass to you, let's go first." It's not the time to reminisce about the past, Gu Fenghua got on his horse and said to Yunhua.

"Xinghua Country, I'm very fortunate to have you." After Lu Zixuan finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Yunhua and his party before getting on his horse.

Yunhua immediately returned the gift, but he already understood in his heart that this matter was no small matter.

"Go, I'll activate the city protection formation right away, you don't have to worry about the Qingxia Pass." Yunhua said.

Gu Fenghua and the others nodded heavily, rode out of the Qingxia pass, and galloped towards the capital.

Above the city tower, different lights flickered alternately, and the defense formation was finally activated again.

Yunhua waved goodbye to Gu Fenghua and the others through the faintly visible barrier.

In fact, there is one more thing he didn't say, the reason why he chose to help without hesitation, even risking the family's life and death, was not only because they were from the same family, they were friends, and he believed in what they did, but also because of Gu Fenghua Wait for others to respect him.

Originally, he was just an outer disciple who was thrown to Misty Cloud Valley because no one wanted him because of his mediocre aptitude. Although everyone in Misty Cloud Valley did not bully him, they never regarded him as their own disciple, and only Gu Fenghua and the others Only then will he treat him with courtesy and give him real respect.

For a holy master, such respect is already worthy of his desperate repayment!

However, Yunhua never imagined that because of his trust in Gu Fenghua and the others today, and his desperate repayment to Gu Fenghua and the others, what kind of great changes would be brought to his family, and the clan members often talked about how he was at the Qingxia Pass that day. His decisiveness is all admiration and reverence.


"Om", the vast and distant bell, broke the last silence before dawn, and the red sun was rising in the sky, sprinkled with red light.

The ancient altar is shrouded in the morning light, so old and solemn.

The Fengchan Terrace is located on the side of the Forbidden Palace. Although it is not in the Forbidden Palace, the usual defenses are stricter than that of the Forbidden Palace. Except for the emperors of all dynasties, even the children of the royal family are not allowed to step in. Here is the place where the first king of Xinghua Kingdom ascended the throne, and it is also the place where successive kings passed on their thrones.

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