My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1227 Everyone Is Equally Excited

With the sound of the bell, the whole city woke up from a deep sleep. Countless people took to the streets and rushed towards the Fengchan Terrace excitedly. It has been more than two hundred years since His Majesty ascended the throne. The country is prosperous and the people are safe, the people have enough food and clothing, and Xinghua Kingdom has become one of the most prosperous countries in the south of Tianji Continent. Today, they will witness the birth of the next king and welcome the next hundred years of prosperity.

Hundreds of officials in the court and the heads of various families also went to the Fengchan Terrace under the guard of the imperial army.

Your Majesty is wise today, and all the princes are humble, courteous and wise. No matter who will take the throne, they don't have to worry about the turmoil in Xinghua Kingdom when the old and the new change. Officials don't have to worry about the future, so everyone is Same excitement.

A good-looking young man was verified by the imperial guards, and he was also among the heads of the family. The succession ceremony is a major event that determines the prosperity of the country. Families from all counties and cities gather in the capital. The families may be separated by tens of thousands of miles. Suspect.

In his dark, prey eyes, there was excitement and anticipation that could not be concealed, like a wolf that had been starving for days and finally found its prey. But because everyone was immersed in the excitement of the succession ceremony, no one noticed his strangeness.

The last two days have passed, but there is still no news from Gu Fenghua. It looks like they were finally blocked at the Qingxia Pass, and the last stumbling block no longer exists.

However, out of caution, he still deployed troops on the main road to the capital. With the danger of Qingxia Pass, coupled with Du Tianding's powerful strength, and the help of Wu Donghai and others, even if Gu Fenghua can break through Qingxia Pass, his vitality will definitely be severely injured. It is impossible to reach the capital in time. The corners of Lu Aochen's mouth slightly raised, revealing that habitual ruthless sneer.

That round of red sun finally jumped out of the clouds and mist completely, and the sky and the earth were clear and clean. On the viewing platforms on both sides of the Fengchan Terrace, civil and military officials and heads of various families were already seated, and the common people gathered around, although they were excited, they were orderly.

Another bell rang, and His Majesty the Emperor stepped up to the Fengchan Platform.

"My minister (grass name) pays homage to His Majesty, long live your majesty!" Everyone knelt down on the ground, paying the highest respect to the king.

"Let's get back together." His Majesty waved his hands and said loudly, "It has been 214 years since I ascended the throne. In the past 200 years, the monarchs and ministers of our Xinghua Kingdom have united as one. To bear the entrustment of the late emperor is also worthy of hundreds of millions of people."

As soon as the words fell, everyone shouted long live again, and their eyes were filled with reverence. Your Majesty's words are by no means self-praising words. The past two hundred years have indeed been a rare prosperity in the history of the Xinghua Kingdom. Everyone feels lucky to live in this era and to meet such a wise king. Respect from the bottom of my heart.

"However, everyone will grow old one day, and I will be old after all. This throne will eventually be passed on one day. Tens of thousands of years ago, I, the founding emperor of Xinghua Kingdom, was enthroned and established in this Zen platform. More than a hundred years ago, I was expected to inherit the throne here, and today, I will also establish a new king here. I hope that you can help him in the same boat and usher in the next century of prosperity for my Xinghua country. May I rejuvenate my country Eternal peace, no danger of war, no suffering of hunger and cold." His Majesty raised his arms and shouted.

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