My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1228 The Uncontrollable Anger of Everyone

Looking at the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people under the stage, his eyes were full of love and reluctance. At this time, he is more like an elder who is about to leave his relatives than a king.

"Your Majesty... Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!" Many people in the audience were choked up.

On His Majesty's face, they saw that they were not tired and old before, but anyone who practiced a little bit of common sense knew that he was exhausted and his time was approaching. The great king who brought peace and prosperity to the Xinghua Kingdom for two hundred years finally had to leave them and leave this land for which he devoted his whole life.

Looking at the tearful people below the stage with relief, His Majesty made handprints one after another. On the Fengchan platform, streaks of golden light emerged, the stone platform was split open, and a long sword rose slowly, appearing in the eyes of everyone.

This long sword is ancient and clumsy, the body of the sword is full of scars, the blade is damaged like a canine tooth, and even the tip of the sword is broken, but it reveals a sense of supreme majesty.

Haotian Sword! The sword held by the founding emperor of Xinghua Kingdom in the past is also a symbol of Xinghua's imperial power. Only with this sword can he take over the throne logically.

The surroundings were solemn and solemn. Looking at the ancient sword, everyone knelt down on the ground again.

"It's what everyone expects, you can say such brazen words!" At this moment, a sneer sounded. This sneer was obviously injected with holy energy, resounding through the audience.

What kind of person is this, who dares to utter lies during the succession ceremony! Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked, and then, there was uncontrollable anger.

"Presumptuous, how dare you disrespect His Majesty!"

"You ignorant child, how dare you talk nonsense in the succession ceremony!"

"What are you waiting for, Golden Melon Warrior, kill him with a stick, kill him with a stick!" Fly on stage.

His Majesty's expression remained the same, he pressed his hands slightly, and the audience became quiet again.

"I have been in power for two hundred and fourteen years, and I ask myself that loving the people is like a son who works hard to govern, and there is no act of wasting the people and money. I don't know where the words "brazen and shameless" come from?" His Majesty looked at a young man on the viewing platform.

The inheritance of the royal families of various countries in the Tianji Continent depends not only on their strength, but also on the hearts of the people. After all, there are strong men in the world, if they lose the hearts of the people, no matter how powerful they are, they are only a few hundred years old, and there is no foundation for ten thousand years. So even though he was displeased when he heard the other party's scolding, it was absolutely impossible for him to kill someone because of it. Since the other party accused him of being brazen, he had to ask clearly and give Wanmin an explanation.

Seeing His Majesty's magnanimous expression, the civil and military officials on both sides, the heads of various families, and tens of thousands of people in the audience were even more righteously indignant, and looked at the young man at the same time.

"As a generation of emperors, you are indeed worthy of the title of Mingjun, but how did you come to the throne in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties? Is it really what everyone expects?" The young man stood up and said with a sneer, if it wasn't Lu Aochen, he could be who.

Yuan and Ming lineage? Hearing his words, the vast majority of people in the audience showed confusion, and only a few people's expressions changed slightly.

"Who are you?" His Majesty also changed his expression, looked at Lu Aochen, and asked word by word.

"At that time, Emperor Tiande was seriously ill. When he was dying, he was said to be the prince of Yuanlong, but he was assassinated by another prince on the day he ascended the throne. , that is what you said, hahahaha!" Lu Aochen didn't answer his question, but laughed sarcastically.

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